Healthy eating habits are quite difficult to gain with all the food-related temptations that are surrounding us. This is the main reason why our bodies might lack some of the most common nutrients. Here are 10 of them and here […]
Healthy Eating
The Most Nutritious Breakfast to Start Your Day With
Eating a salad in the morning is a great way to start your day. All those nutrients will be adored by your body. However, there is a secret formula that has the ability to maximize the effects of such a […]
Appendicitis – How to Prevent It by Eating Right
The appendix is a relatively small organ. It is 3.5 inches long and it is located at the meeting point of the large intestine with the small ones. For an easier recognition, it is located in the lower-right part of […]
5 Foods That Are Richer in Potassium Than a Banana
The first thing that pops into your mind when thinking of foods filled with potassium is a banana, is that right? While that is true, as bananas are loaded with high levels of potassium, there are other foods that are […]
Why Eating Raw Cocoa Nibs Is Good for Your Health
You probably have heard by now about the benefits brought to the health by dark chocolate. Antioxidants, minerals, zinc, magnesium, selenium, phosphorus, they are all in there. The main ingredient? Cocoa! However, raw cocoa nibs are even better for your […]
World’s Healthiest Cuisines
If you are planning on having your dinner out in the town but do not know which restaurant to choose, here’s one criterion that could help you: the cuisine they serve. Is it varied? Is it healthy? Is it tasty? Here […]
10 Reasons You Should Eat More Grapefruit
Grapefruit is a delicious, flavorful fruit that is an excellent source of vitamin C and other important compounds that contribute to maintaining your overall health. If grapefruit is not on the top of your favorite fruit list, here are some […]
5 Best Alkaline Foods that Support Digestion and Gut Balance
Maintaining balance is the key to a healthy body. Balance is utterly important in all aspects concerning our health. For instance, the sun’s rays are beneficial for providing our bodies with important levels of vitamin D, but excessive sun exposure […]
Apples and Tomatoes for Strong Muscles
The loss of muscles or atrophy, as it is also called, is a condition that can appear suddenly and which can be triggered by a biological compound that has been recently discovered. However, there are also 2 great foods that […]
7 Foods That Are Extremely Rich in Nutrients
The ANDI or the Aggregate Nutrient Density Index is a scale that has been designed to measure the content of nutrients in fruits and vegetables. The food can now be ranked from 1 to 1000 according to the content of […]