Home Remedies

Antibacterian and remineralizing TOOTH POWDER (video recipe)

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This is one of the easiest products we can make at home for our family. It’s highly economic, efficient and natural. The use of tooth powder dates back to antique civilisations from Egypt, Rome, Greece and China. Before Cleopatra, egyptians […]


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Corns and calluses are not severe health issues, but painful enough to cause problems when walking. These simple home remedies can help soften up the thick hardened skin on the soles and reduce the pain. Active people are more prone […]

How to make CUCUMBER WATER for detox & weight loss

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Cucumber water is a very popular detox drink that also helps with weight loss. Cucumbers contain 96% water, which explains their powerful hydrating effects. Cucumber water with lemon and mint is especially recommended during summer, when our body loses a […]

How to Use Sea Salt as Treatment For Acne

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Acne is something all of us battled with at some point in our lives, especially during our teenage years. It is generated by too much oil in the pores of the skin, making them the perfect environment for bacteria to […]