The Most Common Nutrient Deficiencies – How to Solve Them
Healthy eating habits are quite difficult to gain with all the food-related temptations that are surrounding us. This is the main reason why our bodies might lack some of the most common nutrients. Here are 10 of them and here are also the foods you should be eating in order to gain them back:
- Vitamin D
People of all ages are affected by this. Those that are using sunscreen or who limit their activities indoor are even more prone to this. Poor immune function, darker skin, achy bones or obesity could indicate this deficiency. Avoid eating processed foods, as they tend to contain herbicide glyphosate, a substance that can interfere with the enzymes that are activating vitamin D in your system.
- Omega 3 fats
This deficiency is one of the 6 killers in the US. Cardiovascular diseases, cancer, Alzheimer’s, depression or diabetes are just a few conditions triggered by it. Sardines are very rich in this component, but so is krill oil, which is superior to any fish oils found on the market.
- Vitamin K2
It is mandatory for the strength of the bones, for the health of the blood vessels and for cellular growth and tissue renewal. It works hand in hand with vitamin D, so they need to be taken together. It can be found in biological dairy products, produced by animals which were fed with grass only.
- Magnesium
Without the necessary amounts of it, the body will start deteriorating and enhancing the appearance of other health problems. Migraines, headaches, cardiovascular conditions – can be all prevented by the intake of this nutrient. You can find it in avocados, beans, nuts or all kinds of seeds.
- Vitamin B12
This energy vitamin is necessary for a series of processes that take place in the body: blood formation, DNA synthesis, myelin formation or increasing the energy production. Numerous foods contain it. Therefore, feel free to eat beef, lamb, eggs, shrimps, salmon, scallops or poultry.
- Vitamin E
This vitamin is very important for the health of the brain. It also protects the body against the action of free radicals and brings the cholesterol to a stable limit. Eat nuts, seeds, green vegetables or olive oil to maximize the intake.
- Vitamin A
It helps to maintain the health of the skin, teeth, vision and bones in order. Add colorful vegetables to your dishes and make sure to get enough sun exposure.
- Iodine
Low levels of iodine can lead to cancer. Dry skin, dry mouth, reduced mental alertness or problems with muscles could indicate a low level of iodine. Take it from raw eggs and milk or from sea vegetables.
- Calcium
It is an extremely important substance for the health of the bones. It has to be balanced with vitamin D, K2 or with magnesium, otherwise it can be quite harmful for the body. Take it from raw milk or from leafy green vegetables.
- Iron
It is directly responsible for the production of hemoglobin. Fatigue, anemia or a decreased immune system could indicate a low level of iron in the body.