A burnt tongue can cause plenty of discomfort, pain and sometimes a tingling sensation in the affected area. In extreme cases, a more severe burn can lead to tissue damage that swells and takes a lot of time to heal. […]
Home Remedies
GARLIC and LEMON recipe for cleansing the BLOOD and ARTERIES
The combination of garlic and lemon can ensure that you have a healthy organism, sheltered from illness. In some cases, it can even repair the damage done by bad cholesterol. The beneficial properties of lemons cover a large range, from […]
10 Reasons Why You Should Upgrade Your Lemon Water With Pineapple
Lemon water is known to have a beneficial effect on the human body, and its attributes increase if you drink it first thing in the morning. Rich in Vitamin C, citric acid, antioxidants, Vitamin A, and potassium, lemons will improve […]
A Juice Recipe That Protects the Brain Against Aging (Improves Sight and Memory)
This is a simple recipe for a healthy and savory juice that you can make at home using a blender. The fruit juicer is also an option, but the juice will have fewer antioxidants and fibers (encountered mostly in the […]
The Mixture of Garlic and Lemons Lowers Cholesterol, Blood Pressure and Body Mass Index
The combination of garlic, lemon and honey is a popular remedy for cardiovascular disease. The studies have confirmed the efficiency of these ingredients, consumed altogether or separately. A recent survey made by Iranian scientists has shown that the mix of […]
Basil Tea Calms Anxiety, Depression, Neurotic States, Headaches and Fatigue
Basil (Ocimum basilicum), also known as Saint-Josephs’s worth or great basil, is a herb commonly used for its culinary properties. Historians have not decided yet in which part of the world basil was first cultivated, but the general consensus is […]
Homemade Medicine Against The Flu – It Contains Lemon, Honey, and Clove
Lemon (also known as citrus) is a species of evergreen plant originally from Asia. Since time immemorial, it has been appreciated both for its medicinal and culinary qualities throughout the world. The juice of the lemons has cleaning, healing, and […]
Eliminate Heavy Metals From Your Body With Only Two Ingredients
Exposure to heavy metals is one of the health problems that is generally overlooked – yet with its ability to affect your central nervous system and bring increasing damage over time, it would be wise to learn more about it. […]
Natural Makeup Removers That Can Easily Outshine Commercial Products
Few are the women who do not love enhancing their beauty through the magic of makeup. Being able to achieve your best look puts you in a state where everything becomes easier: your confidence is high, your mood is improved […]
Remedies for Bloating That You Can Apply at Home
Bloating can be an extremely irritating experience for those affected if you are in a public place or you find yourself in a social situation. Usually, bloating occurs when the small intestine has a high amount of excess gas, which […]