Orange Vinegar (a “green” cleaner)

Vinegar is one of God’s amazing gifts.  Vinegar can be used for so many things; you can cook and bake with it, clean with it, treat illnesses, use it deodorize and so much more!   Today I will give you a recipe for an all-purpose cleaner you can make using only three ingredients!  It’s so simple and amazing.

For some people, however, the pungent smell of vinegar is off-putting. All-natural and boutique products often rely on essential oils to make things smell good. Natural oils in citrus peels might accomplish the same goal.


DIY Citrus Vinegar Cleaner

What You Will Need:

  • old glass jar
  • orange peels
  • vinegar
  • water
  • spray bottle

The Instructions:

  • Fill a glass jar with orange peels.
  • Completely cover the orange peels with vinegar, and secure the lid.
  • Let it sit for at least two weeks (I ignored mine for two months, since I had other projects in the hopper, and I am sure the citrus smell is stronger for it).
  • Remove and discard peels (or place the peels in the garbage disposal to reuse them again and deodorize).
  • Strain citrus solution if necessary.  It will be a dark orangy-brown color.
  • Fill your spray bottle with one part citrus vinegar solution and one part water.  If you want a stronger solution, use less water.

Use as a cleaner for windows, glass, counters, and mopping floors.


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4 commments

  1. I didn’t know that u have to add water,I have been using mine without water.Is it still fine if I don’t add water?

  2. The oil in the skin is a natural degreaser

  3. Those orange peels are fulled with chemicals, that ” keep them fresh”!

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