About 'orange peels'

Make Your Own Laxative Out of Orange Peels

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Some fruit or vegetable peels are really rich in nutrients. The intense colors you can see on them make you aware of the fact that their peels are really rich in pigments with antioxidant effects, which are most definitely beneficial […]

The unbelievable uses of orange peels

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Everyone knows that the smell of Christmas is all about apples, cinnamon and… oranges! They are incredibly healthy, boasting with vitamin C and a great amount of antioxidants. We know all these details about the fruit, but what about the […]

Orange Vinegar (a “green” cleaner)

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Vinegar is one of God’s amazing gifts.  Vinegar can be used for so many things; you can cook and bake with it, clean with it, treat illnesses, use it deodorize and so much more!   Today I will give you […]

Keep and Reuse the Veggie and Fruit Peels

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When we eat a fruit or a vegetable, we have the habit of throwing away the peel. But what if that peel is good for our health? Have you ever thought of it? We did and we found out how the […]

Orange Peel and Its Unknown Benefits

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Most of us probably don’t think twice before throwing away the peels after you eat an orange, right? After all, it’s the inside you’re interested in, not the outer layer. But overlooking and underestimating orange peels is actually a big […]