How to Use Lemons in Your Beauty Ritual

Lemons have great properties and can really help you spice things up in your beauty arsenal. Don’t be surprised! As they are rich in magnesium, calcium, potassium and vitamin C, while presenting antifungal, astringent and antibacterial properties, lemons can be your natural aids in enhancing your skin and hair. So here are a couple of reasons why you should no longer hesitate and include lemon in your beauty routine!

lemons beauty benefits

  • Reinvigorates your skin. Being rich in vitamin C, lemon stimulates the production of collagen of your skin, which reinvigorates your complexion, granting you a youthful glow. Moreover, its astringent properties hinder your skin from premature aging, preventing the appearance of lines and wrinkles.

How to use: Place some honey on a slice of lemon and then gently rub it on your skin. Let it stay for 10 minutes, and then rinse with warm water. Repeat the procedure for once or twice a week.

  • Heals acne. As it presents antibacterial and astringent properties, lemon can help you get rid of those annoying blackheads on your forehead. It kills the bacteria on your complexion, accelerating the healing process of your skin.

How to use: Rub a slice of lemon on your face. Leave it for 5 minutes and then wash it off using cold water. Do this daily until you notice your acne issue diminishes.

  • Makes your lips lighter. As a result of excessive use of caffeine or too much sun exposure, you might have gotten dark lips. Don’t worry! Thanks to its natural bleaching function, lemon can help you mend that!

How to use: Squeeze the juice of a lemon, and then massage it on your lips. Repeat the procedure until you obtain the result you wish.

  • Restores cracked feet. Cracked feet are certainly unflattering! As a result of its acidic particularity, the juice of a lemon can help soften your feet and get rid of the unpleasant feeling!

How to use: Add lemon juice to your foot tub. Let your feet soak in for 10 to 15 minutes, and then scrub the affected skin gently. Repeat for a couple of times a week.

  • Cures dandruff. Dandruff is really unaesthetic and certainly unflattering. Treat your dandruff problem using lemon; in this way the pH level of your scalp will be regulated, ameliorating the oil secretion.

How to use: Put together the juice of 2 lemons in a cup of water. Shampoo your hair normally and then use the diluted solution to rinse off your hair. Leave it for 5 minutes and the wash it off with warm water. Do this twice a week.

  • Repairs chapped lips. This happens especially during cold weather and is really disturbing. Lemon aims at exfoliating the dead cells on your lips, accelerating their healing.

How to use: Massage your lips with a slice of lemon for a couple of minutes. Rinse using warm water and then apply some coconut oil. Repeat this daily.

  • Restores brittle nails. Lemon can invigorate your nails, making them stronger and preventing them from breaking!

How to use: Soak your nails in lemon juice a couple of minutes and then wash them off.

  • Lessens freckles. As mentioned before, lemon embodies bleaching properties, therefore may help you get rid of those freckles you find so unattractive.

How to use: Gently rub with freshly squeezed lemon juice the freckled area for a couple of minutes. Let it stay for 10 minutes and then rinse it off.

  • Diminishes stretch marks. Containing citric acid, lemon exfoliates the dead cells on your skin, stimulating the growth of new healthy ones. Therefore, lemon can be the right choice for you in order to treat your stretch marks at home.

How to use: Gently massage a slice of lemon on your stretch marks for a couple of minutes. After the juice is dried, rinse off with warm water. Repeat the procedure daily.  

  • Whitens teeth. Who doesn’t yearn for a perfect smile? Thanks to lemon’s bleaching properties, you might actually obtain this at home, without having to spend a fortune on the treatment!

How to use: Rub a slice of lemon on your teeth surface for a few minutes, and then wash it off. You should do this daily.

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