Each and every one of us has dealt with the annoying acne at some point in life. We have all tried to deal with this skin problem with various ointments, solutions, creams and even medication. Some of them worked, others […]
Healthy Eating
10 Snacks With Less Than 100 Calories
Do you know that moment when you feel like you could use a snack, but you are trying to avoid eating it, so you won’t have to feel guilty afterward? Snacking in between meals is an urge we feel on […]
Fruits for the Brain, DNA and Your Cardiovascular System
All fruits are extremely beneficial for our bodies and they have a powerful positive impact on our health. Berries, however, have an even more powerful effect, due to the high amount of antioxidants they contain. Blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, cranberries, blackberries, […]
The Foods You Should Not Be Eating If They Are Expired
You probably know how important it is to check the labels of the products when you go grocery shopping. Not only that this helps you see the ingredients and which of them are artificial or not, but the label will […]
Unable to Focus? Here Is What You Should Be Eating!
There is nothing more frustrating than trying to find your focus when you are surrounded by millions of tasks and not being able to complete them all. There are certain daily factors that might have an influence on this phenomenon, […]
Consume These Foods to Prevent Breast Cysts
Almost every woman comes to face a breast lump once in her lifetime. The idea of having a breast lump that could trigger the most unpleasant conditions of them all seems to shake from their roots even the strongest of […]
What to Eat to Increase Your Melatonin
Melatonin is a hormone produced by the pineal gland, which is located in the brain. This substance has a powerful positive impact on the human body due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It can protect the heart from a […]
What to Consume to Increase Your Bone Cartilage
The bone cartilage is one of the most important parts of the bone. It is a flexible tissue that brings the friction of one bone over the other to a level as low as possible. It is, basically, the skeleton’s […]
Consume organic products for one week to reduce your kid’s pesticides levels
A study that has been conducted in America showed that 8 out of 10 Americans have been buying organic products in the past 2 years. What seemed to motivate this decision was their concern for the health of their children. […]
10 Foods Responsible for Kidney Stones
In the US, 1 of 11 people is affected by kidney stones. Men tend to suffer from this condition more frequently than women and it can affect both kidneys. What causes their formation is the concentrated amount of uric acid, […]