Watermelon Seeds – Rich in Proteins and Minerals

Some people believe that only the core of the watermelon is edible. What they don’t know is that they can also consume its seeds and peel, because they are rich in nutrients. In some parts of the world, roasted watermelon seeds are served as such and the pickled watermelon peel is a real culinary tradition.

watermelon seeds benefits


Watermelon seeds are rich in minerals. Magnesium, for example, is present in high amounts. A cup of dried watermelon seeds can offer us almost 556 mg of magnesium, which is 139% of the recommended daily allowance.

According to all National Health Institutes, magnesium is beneficial in regulating blood pressure and carbohydrates, having a beneficial effect on the blood sugar level.

Other important minerals that can be found in watermelon seeds are: phosphorus, iron, potassium, zinc, manganese and sodium.

A recent study has shown that iron and zinc extracted from the watermelon seeds are absorbed by the organism more rapidly than the minerals coming from other sources.


By consuming a few watermelon slices with their seeds, we will be able to increase our amount of proteins. These types of proteins contain important amino acids, such as tryptophan, lysine, glutamic acid and arginine. They are crucial for the nervous, cardiovascular and hepatic systems. The studies have shown that arginine can regulate blood pressure and treat coronary artery diseases.


Probably the most surprising fact about watermelon seeds is that they contain a relatively high amount if fats. One cup of dried watermelon seeds contains 51 g of fats, out of which 11 g are saturated fats. The others are monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats and omega-6 fatty acids. These types of fats are able to reduce blood cholesterol and regulate blood pressure.

Vitamin-B complex

The types of vitamin B that can be found in watermelon seeds are folic acid (B9), B3, B6, B1, B5 and B2. Vitamin B3 (niacin) is crucial for maintaining the health of the nervous and digestive systems, as well as the health of the skin. The American Cancer Society reports that the vitamin-B complex is necessary for converting food into energy and for maintaining most body functions.

So, next time you plan on throwing those watermelon seeds away, think again. They can be extremely beneficial for your overall health. They can be consumed in many ways. For example, Asians roast these seeds in the oven and consume them as such. They can also be ground and converted into cereals or flour and used for preparing bread.

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2 commments

  1. NEVER eat SEEDLESS FRUIT…..they are genetically modified. ALL REAL FRUIT HAS SEEDS!!!

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