Eliminate Uric Acid from Your Body in a Few Simple Steps

Gout is a health issue caused by the excess of uric acid in the feet, especially around the tiny bones. The metabolic disorder is usually followed by severe pain attacks, caused by the crystallization of the uric acid. Some people experience severe pain and swelling that develops rapidly. The improper metabolism of uric acid fails to eliminate the toxic waste properly and all ends with chalkstones deposits. The condition is also known as hyperuricemia. The weird thing is that only a few people that suffer from this health problem develop gout. Another cause for the unsuccessful elimination of uric acid is improper kidney function. This is the exact spot in the process where small crystals tend to accumulate in your joint.

eliminate uric acid

What Can You Do to Ease this Condition?

You can support your body in many ways. This will bring you a lot of health benefits and improve your general condition. You can introduce some lifestyle and dietary changes. If you want to get healed, this is where you can start. Drink a lot of water so that your system can work impeccably. If you hydrate your body well enough, you can ease the elimination of uric acid, toxins and waste material. Water your body as if it were a plant. With the best nutrients, care and love. Now let us take a look at a few tonics that can help you.

  • Lemon Water

If you mix water and lemon, then you will obtain an amazing tonic. When in the body, this drink creates an alkaline environment and protects the body from the creation of uric acid crystals. How do you do it? Just add the juice squeezed from half a lemon into 200 milliliters of warm water. Drink this “potion” in the morning, before you drink or eat anything else.

  • Turmeric

This spice is rich in curcumin. This substance has a crucial role in the protection of the liver and provides a wonderful anti-inflammatory effect. Just add it to your diet or into tonics or smoothies, and its benefits will show off.

  • Baking Soda

This powder is an amazing prophylaxis agent when it comes to the elimination of the excess uric acid. Just stir half a teaspoon of baking soda in a cup filled with water. Make sure the soda has dissolved and drink the alkaline solution on a daily basis. If you are experiencing sudden pain attacks, add a whole teaspoon of baking soda.

  • Apple Cider Vinegar

This beverage provides a similar effect as the lemon water. The drink contains malic acid, which stimulates the elimination of excess uric acid. Just add a tablespoon of natural apple cider vinegar into a cup filled with 200 ml water. Stir it well and drink the tonic before your meals.

Once you start living healthy, the healing process is on its way. Make whole unprocessed grains, sea food and lean meat your best friends. Also, make sure you cut off the foods rich in processed sugars, alcohol and saturated fats.

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