The Secret to a Flawless Complexion – Turmeric Golden Mask

This turmeric face mask is a homemade treatment growing in popularity day by day. Its efficiency is proved by its miraculous properties. It visibly improves your skin, being easy to make and, at the same time, presenting no side effects. Why not try it?

turmeric golden mask

Why turmeric?

Turmeric is the core element of this face mask. It presents a wide range of properties that fight acne. It reduces inflammation and face redness and visibly hydrates your skin. Thanks to its antioxidant properties, turmeric is best known for its anti-aging characteristics. It treats your lines and wrinkles, giving your skin the healthy youthful glow you long for.

In addition to that, turmeric contains curcumin, a component that helps the healing process of your acne complexion.

Furthermore, its miraculous properties help fight against aggressive rosacea. By using this turmeric mask, you can naturally overcome this problem, taking advantage of what nature has offered to you.

Synthetic medication presents endless lists of side-effects and contraindications when treating acne or rosacea. In comparison to that, this natural homemade mask efficiently enhances your skin, treating the affected area, without harming other parts of your body.

It dates for centuries

Beauty face masks having turmeric in their composition have been widely used in Asia centuries ago. They are acknowledged to be part of the Chinese and Indian traditions. Furthermore, turmeric is considered to be a core element of the Ayuverdic medical system.

In South-Asia, turmeric was used for the preparation of the bride, granting her a charming look and a shiny glow to her skin. The entire beautifying Indian ritual is named “haldi”.

The ingredients you need

Yoghurt and turmeric are the main elements in preparing the mask. By adding other ingredients: aloe vera, oils, whole grain flour and fresh juices, you can make a number of different masks, each suitable for a different skin type. Which one suits you best?

  • Normal to mixed skin type


  • ½ tsp turmeric
  • 1 tsp yogurt
  • A couple of lemon juice drops


Mix the given ingredients altogether, and stir until you obtain a paste that you can easily spread on your face. Make sure to clean your face thoroughly before and after, as turmeric presents a strong yellow pigment. However, don’t worry, the spots can be rinsed. The mask will be effective if you leave it for 30 minutes.

  • Oily to problematic skin


  • ½ tsp turmeric
  • ½ tsp organic honey
  • 1 tbsp whey or yogurt
  • Aloe gel (a couple of drops)


Mix the given ingredients, apply on rinsed face, and after 30 minutes time you may remove the mask.

  • Dry to aged skin


  • ½ tsp turmeric
  • 1 tsp yogurt
  • ½ tsp argan/olive/coconut oil


Mix the given ingredients. After leaving the mask for 30 minutes, rinse thoroughly.

  • Remove acne

In order to treat your acne, mix apple cider vinegar and turmeric into a paste. After leaving in on your clean face for an hour, rinse thoroughly. It is best to use this mask in the evening, as it may cause redness, as a result of turmeric’s antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. However, the redness is reduced overnight and your acne problem will be treated.


  • In case you notice yellow stains on your skin, try making yourself a scrub with some water and brown sugar.
  • Because turmeric makes your skin more sensitive to sun, use these masks at evening time.
  • It is best to test a small amount of turmeric mask on a small portion of your skin before applying it on your face.

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