Healthy Juice Recipes

Natural Juice for Cleansing the Blood and Boosting Immunity

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This juice recipe is miraculous for those who always feel exhausted, lacking vitality or stamina and stressed. The juice presented below is efficient in cleansing and healing the body. Ingredients – 2 apples – 2 carrots – 1 beet – 2 […]

Vegetable Juice Recipes for a Healthy Diet

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Vegetables are some of the healthiest foods out there. They contain large amounts of nutrients and for this reason they should be included in everyone’s daily diet. The vegetables should be consumed mainly raw because when they are cooked, some […]

Papaya Juice for Glowing Skin and Healthy Body

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Papaya is also known as the angels’ fruit due to its miraculous properties. For thousands of years, this fruit was used for medicinal purposes thanks to its high content of minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. Papaya is recommended for diabetes, irregular menstruation, […]

Prevent Cancer and Treat Diseases with Ginger Juice

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It is well-known that ginger is a powerful herb with numerous benefits for the health. The Asians have been using ginger for thousands of years and, in the past few years, it has also penetrated the occidental world. Ginger is […]

Ward Off Diseases with Garlic Juice

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Garlic is not quite the finest smelling food in the world. Yet, it is incredibly healthy and can help us prevent a wide array of diseases. Garlic is also a popular spice used in various dishes thanks to its specific […]

Prevent Cancer with Elderberry Juice

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The Sambucus Nigra tree makes a dark purple fruit called elderberry. This product is packed with minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and amino acids and for numerous years, it has been used for its vast medicinal purposes. The juice extracted from the […]

The Incredible Benefits of Okra Juice

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Okra is a vegetable that is mainly used in Asia, but it has also become popular in the occidental world. It is also called “Lady Finger” and it is an incredibly healthy and nutritious vegetable. It is grown in temperate […]