How to Tell that Your Body Lacks Magnesium

Magnesium is one of the main minerals abounding in our body, taking part in all significant biochemical reactions. Magnesium is also a core element for the right functioning of your bones, as researchers indicate that half of the magnesium amount in your body, which is 25 grams, is found in the bones. Therefore, in order for your body to work properly, magnesium is vital. But how do you know your body needs more magnesium? Are there any signs that can help you distinguish that? As a matter of fact, there are a couple of signals that can help you pinpoint this issue.


  • Frequent Migraines. Migraines are often met nowadays, as a result of a stressful and hectic lifestyle. Those suffering from migraines may develop magnesium shortage either because of intensive stress, or low nutritional intake resulted by improper diet. However, magnesium appears to be the right treatment in order for your disturbing migraines to become history. In this view, a study was carried out in the Journal of Neural Transmission, in 2002, indicating that magnesium is indeed the cure for migraine sufferers.
  • If you continually feel negative, easily irritable, experiencing a general state of anxiousness, then this might be the result of magnesium deficiency. In 2006, a study developed in the Medical Hypothesis Journal outlines that depression issues are treatable with magnesium supplements.
  • No Appetite. A loss of appetite is never good news, even though it might help you get rid of those extra pounds. In this regard, magnesium is a vital mineral for the right functioning of your digestive system and also it helps your body absorb minerals and vitamins. Therefore, if this happens, your body lacks magnesium.
  • General State of Weariness and Fatigue. Magnesium is a vital mineral in determining your body to produce adrenaline. Additionally, it helps transform glucose into energy. This way, magnesium boosts your energy and stimulates your metabolism. If your body lacks magnesium, you will experience a general state of weariness and loss of energy.
  • High Blood Pressure. In 1999, a study in the Hypertension Journal was elaborated, concluding that lack of magnesium generates the rise of your blood pressure. Magnesium is meant to ventilate your blood vessels, while at the same time ensuring a proper circulation.
  • Magnesium functions as a relaxing mineral in your body; therefore if you experience insomnia, you might lack magnesium. In 2012, a study regarding this issue was developed in the Journal of Research of General Science, demonstrating magnesium’s efficiency in treating insomnia.
  • Muscle Bursts and Seizures. Magnesium is a core element for the health of your bones and muscles. Magnesium helps your body assimilate calcium, supporting your muscle’s healthy condition. Moreover, magnesium aids at absorbing the amount of potassium your muscles need.
  • Nasty Body Smell. An insufficient intake of magnesium can cause you to sweat excessively. However, studies are still being carried out to prove this fact.
  • Hardship in Concentrating. Magnesium supports the proper functioning of your brain, improving your capacity of learning and concentration. If you often experience impossibility to concentrate, this might be a sign that your brain needs more magnesium.
  • Irregular Heart Rhythm. This can also be accounted as a signal that you should increase your magnesium intake. In order for your heart to function properly, magnesium assures the right blood circulation, while at the same time maintaining the transferring of potassium and calcium in your entire body.

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3 commments

  1. Totally agree with the migraine research… my daughter went from having 4-5shocking migraines a wee to none in 9 months now with taking 25ml liquid magnesium daily… it saved us x????x

  2. Great for fruit trees and passionfruit too.Great stuff all round.

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