6 Situations in Which You Shouldn’t Take Turmeric

Given its amazing health benefits, turmeric is one of the best selling natural supplements in the world. Not only does it embody a myriad of beneficial properties, but it also encompasses a lovely, unique aroma.

when to avoid turmeric

Still, regardless of its beneficial effects, you should know that turmeric also presents a couple of side effects. While the side effects accompanied by turmeric consumption are not severe, it has been indicated that in various situations turmeric leads to nausea and other stomach problems.

Additionally, when combined with black pepper, a normal portion of turmeric becomes equal to 29 cups of the approved dosage of turmeric. Consequently, this will lead to the imminent growth of blood levels accompanied by alterations in the DNA in vitro. Thus, there are six situations in which turmeric consumption is actually contraindicated.

  • Pregnant or lactating women

When it comes to taking turmeric supplements during pregnancy or while nursing, you should know that it is contraindicated. If consumed in large doses, turmeric can stimulate menstrual periods or determine hormonal changes that can be detrimental for pregnant or lactating women. In the same respect, turmeric consumption can contribute to diminishing testosterone levels and sperm movement in men. Additionally, turmeric supplements can harm fertility.

Still, normal doses of turmeric added to food are approved, as long as they don’t exceed moderate dosages.

  • People with kidney stones

Turmeric supplements taken in excess can grow the risks of developing kidney stones. Turmeric encompasses soluble oxalates, which contribute to the appearance of calcium oxalates believed to be the main cause of kidney stones issues.

Therefore, people dealing with kidney stones should steer clear of including significant amounts of turmeric into their diets. The approved dosage shouldn’t exceed 40 mg, which equals about a teaspoon of turmeric.

  • People suffering from gallstones

According to studies, turmeric consumption has been proven to cause pain in people dealing with gallstones. Thus, we recommend you avoid having turmeric if you suffer from this condition.

  • People who require surgery

Turmeric consumption can often lead to blood clotting. Therefore, it is needless to say that people who require surgery should steer clear of this supplement. It is important to cease using turmeric, at least two weeks before having surgery.

  • People suffering from biliary tract obstruction

While healthy people can benefit from turmeric consumption, as it contributes to decreasing the risks of developing gallstones, people who suffer from biliary tract obstruction should pay increased attention to this ingredient. It is believed to lead to detrimental consequences.

  • People suffering from diabetes

If you’re suffering from diabetes, taking turmeric supplements will imminently affect your blood sugar levels, causing them to reduce. Thus, consider having moderate, low portions of turmeric if you suffer from this condition.

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