Perimenopause Symptoms Hot Flashes: 6 Natural Remedies

Menopause and Perimenopause Hot Flashes 6 Natural RemediesThe most common and bothersome symptoms that occur in menopause, perimenopause and early menopause are hot flashes and night sweats.

Most women during menopause confess that they had short and frequent moments of heat, often accompanied by palpitations and flushing. Hot flashes never come alone, however. They might also cause chills and sweating – especially during the night. Night sweats affect sleep quality, often creating insomnia and a constant state of anxiety and restlessness.

What causes hot flashes during perimenopause?

Doctors declare themselves unable to find or define for certain the causes that lead to hot flushes, and only say that these conditions are normal. Nevertheless, there is am obvious link between blood circulation disorders and the states that trigger menopause. Blood vessels in the skin surface expand and remove heat. This is when a woman experiences hot flashes and a blushing face.

The duration and intensity of hot flushes is never the same. In some women, hot flashes only occur during menopause and then disappear to reappear, while in other women, these hot flashes constantly reappear.

Natural treatment for Hot Flashes

Hot flashes can not be prevented or controlled permanently. One can, however, avoid consuming spicy foods, tobacco, caffeine and alcohol. In menopause is best to avoid excessive heat, narrow spaces and tight-fitting clothes. Effects of hot flushes can be improved or kept under control with the help of several alternatives based on herbs and other natural remedies.

I. Dill tincture

Dill weed tincture is one of the most popular remedies against hot flashes during perimenopause and menopause period. It can be combined with licorice tincture or Hogweed. If you can’t prepare them at home, look for it in herbal stores. You can mix all in one container. The treatment lasts a month and it consists of taking one teaspoon of tincture in a cup of water in the morning, 3 times a day. The cure can be resumed when the hot flashes reappear. Be careful though, because licorice is not recommended for hypertensive women.

II. Evening primrose

This herb reduces hot flashes, restores menopausal hormone imbalance and it improves the nervous system function. Moreover, evening primrose enhances immunity, vitality and the ability to withstand stress. Evening primrose naturally regulates hormones and can be taken for minimum 3 months.

III. Cimicifuga racemosa

This herb has powerful effects against many symptoms caused by menopause. It treats especially the night sweats caused by short bursts of hot flashes. It has side effects (liver and gastrointestinal disorders), so Cimcifuga Racemosa must be used for a short period of time, up to 6 months.

IV. Valerian tincture

Valerian is a natural miracle for women health. In the turmoil produced by menopause, valerian tincture brings profound menopause relief. Take 3-4 teaspoons of this tincture per day, diluted in water. Or, you can add 10 drops of valerian tincture in a glass of water. Follow this treatment 3 times a day.

V. Herbal tea mix

Medicinal teas greatly help menopausal women. You can use an herbal mixture of equal parts: lady’s mantle, sage and horsetail. These herbs are best to prepare by infusion of 30 seconds and not by boiling. Drink 2-3 cups per day. Hot flashes should disappear after a few days.

VI. Decoction of pigweed

Prepare this remedy from 2-3 parts of pigweed, 2 parts of sage and one part of thyme. Prepare a mixture of one teaspoon of herb per cup of water. Infuse it for 10 minutes. Drink 2-4 cups a day before or between your meals. This cure lasts 1-2 months. This herbal tea mixture is also indicated in osteoporosis.

Note: This information does not replace medical advice. Do not use this information for self-diagnosis or self-treatment.

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