Salt, Garlic and Ginger Compress for Your Pain

This remedy for pain will prove itself the best you have ever tried. It is natural, easy to make and efficient. All you need is a pinch of salt and two spices with extraordinary analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties: ginger and garlic. This compress can ease the pain caused by rheumatism, arthritis or dislocation. Also, it can relieve your muscular and back pain. The burning sensation you get after applying the compress on the affected area helps the blood circulation.

natural compress for pain

Garlic was always beneficial for pain, especially when taken orally. There are many ways you can use garlic for your health. You can find it in dried or powdered form, tablets or capsules. Consuming garlic can increase the potency of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that are usually ingested for relieving the pain.

Ginger is an effective natural anti-inflammatory agent. It helps reduce inflammation and pain. It doesn’t matter if you are planning on using it heated or raw, ginger has the same effects. Scientists are amazed by this plant’s action on muscle pain.

Unlike normal salt, sea salt is extremely rich in minerals. It contains 92 minerals, of which 24 are essential minerals for maintaining the body cells healthy, prevent muscular throes, brain damage and disturbances. Potassium is essential for the proper functioning of the muscles. Salt doesn’t only contain potassium but it also aids the body to absorb it from other foods. This makes salt efficient in helping you prevent spasms, muscle pains and cramps.


  • 1 small ginger root
  • 2 tablespoons of sea salt
  • 4 garlic cloves


It would be perfect if you would choose to mince the ginger and garlic without using a blender. The perfect tool would be a mortar and a pestle. The ginger root just needs to be washed very, very well and cut into small pieces. If you don’t own a mortar and a pestle, you could try with a blender or just chop the ingredients very carefully. Mix the three ingredients until they dissolve and blend perfectly. You can also add some olive oil if you want the composition to be smoother. Take a clean sheet of plastic film. Scoop a few spoons of the mixture and apply it to the clean plastic film. Localize the affected area and lay the compress on the skin. To make sure the composition won’t fall, apply a bandage on the affected area. Leave the compress on the area for 6 hours. Do not use this mixture on open wounds!

Many spices and herbs can treat inflammation and other similar conditions. These natural remedies fall under a medical treatment, known as alternative or complementary medicine. When it comes to pain relief, you will have a big surprise at what might make you feel better. We recommend you to consult a specialist anytime you encounter medical issues. Our suggested remedies are efficient but they can be even more useful if combined with traditional medication prescribed by your doctor.

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