Honey and Cinnamon – Powerful Remedy for Infections, Arthritis and Colds

The traditional Chinese and Ayurveda medicines have long been used the powerful mixture between honey and cinnamon. Both ingredients are known for their beauty and medicinal properties and they come with amazing benefits and qualities. They can reach the deeper nerves and tissues of the body and cure them. This magnificent combination has anti-microbial properties and can keep you away from bacteria and fungus. Here is how cinnamon and honey can help you.

Honey and Cinnamon – Powerful Remedy for Infections, Arthritis and Colds

Bladder Infections

If you suffer from various digestive problems such as bladder worms, it means that you must use the honey and cinnamon power-combo. Mix one glass of water with honey (one teaspoon) and add cinnamon powder (1 pinch). Drink this solution every morning on an empty stomach. It will instantly help you get rid of the bladder infections and worms.

Skin Infections

Since the combination between honey and cinnamon has anti-microbial properties, it can be easily used to treat skin infections. If you suffer from ringworm, eczema and other similar skin disorders, you can apply the mixture of cinnamon and honey directly on the affected zones. The fungal and bacterial infections will be washed away.


Cinnamon and honey are also effective for curing blemish marks and pimples. Mix cinnamon powder (one pinch) with honey (3 teaspoons) and make a fine paste. Apply it on your affected areas and let it cure during the night. Use warm water to wash your face and repeat the remedy until your skin will be acne-free.


Our ancestors have been using this remedy to treat common colds. Add honey (1 teaspoon) to one glass of lukewarm water. Add some black powder and cinnamon powder (one pinch) and consume this solution three times per day until you feel better. This natural treatment clears sinusitis and treats chronic cold.

Weight Loss Aid

If you’re looking to lose some pounds, then this miraculous combination can help you with that. Mix lukewarm water with cinnamon powder (one pinch) and honey (2 teaspoons) and take the solution on an empty stomach in the morning. Consume regularly to prevent the fat storage in the body.

Immune System Booster

Honey contains a wide array of minerals and vitamins such as iron. They are useful for enhancing the white blood cells and helping them fight against infections and germs. In return, cinnamon boosts the immunity and prevents the body from viral and bacterial attacks. Consume the combination between honey and cinnamon regularly to stay away from different diseases.


If you suffer from frequent joint pains, then the mixture between cinnamon and honey can be of great help for you. Consume this solution every day if you suffer from chronic arthritis. Mix hot water (1 cup) with cinnamon powder (1/2 teaspoon) and honey (1 teaspoon). Consume the mixture right away. Take the remedy two times per day, in the evening and in the morning before mealtime.

High Cholesterol Levels

The cholesterol levels can be reduced by almost 20% when consuming honey and cinnamon. Prepare a cup of tea with hot water, cinnamon (one pinch) and honey (1 teaspoon). Drink this combination every day so as to keep your cholesterol levels under control. This is also a great remedy for chronic cholesterol.

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3 commments

  1. I had terrible acne and I started using cinnamon and honey paste. It eats the acne from the root, I am acne free.

  2. add some moon shine and it will really help you

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