Cardamom and Its Top 5 Health Benefits

Cardamom is a spice with rich flavor and aroma and besides being used in various dishes, it can also be beneficial for your health. Cardamom contains manganese, iron, magnesium, sulfur, calcium and potassium and it is also high in vitamin C, niacin and riboflavin. At the same time, this spice has numerous advantageous benefits including tonic, antiseptic, stomachic, antioxidant, expectorant, antispasmodic, diuretic, digestive and carminative properties. Since it has all these healing and disease-preventing capabilities, it can be used for a wide array of conditions, as you will see in the following paragraphs.

Cardamom and Its Top 5 Health Benefits

1. Detoxifier

Cardamom contains large amounts of antioxidants and it is capable of removing all the toxins from your organism. The manganese also makes it a great detoxifier, as this mineral will produce healthy enzymes that will locate and kill the free radicals. Once the cardamom will detoxify the body, you will have a better metabolism and immune system. Drink a cup of cardamom tea every day so as to maintain your body clean and healthy.

2. Aids Digestion

The carminative properties of cardamom will make it useful during the digestion process. Thus, this spice can reduce stomach cramping, bloating and flatulence and will treat colic. At the same time, cardamom will increase the bile flow and your body will digest the nutrients and fats faster. So, if you suffer from stomach infections, indigestion, acidity, dysentery or constipation, you can consume cardamom. You can drink cardamom tea, use the spice in your food or eat the seeds of this plant. You will surely like the cardamom seeds as they have a sweet and pungent flavor.

3. Promotes Kidney Health

Cardamom lowers the blood pressure and promotes urination. As a result, it is great for the health of your kidneys. Also, it removes the urea and calcium that can form in the kidneys. If you consume cardamom on a regular basis, you can treat various urinary, bladder and kidney conditions such as painful or burning urination, nephritis or kidney stones. The urinary tract infections can also be efficiently cured with cardamom. Consume the ground or whole cardamom for these problems.

4. Combats Anemia

The antioxidants in the cardamom will help your body replenish its vitamins and get rid of the anemia. Moreover, this spice is rich in niacin, vitamin C, manganese, iron and copper, minerals that can fight against weakness and fatigue, which are the main symptoms of anemia. These nutrients and vitamin are going to stimulate the production of cellular metabolism and red blood cells. If you suffer from anemia, you can mix one cup of warm milk with turmeric powder (1 teaspoon) and cardamom powder (one pinch). Drink the solution every night before going to bed so as to relieve the anemia symptoms.

5. Controls the Heart Rate

Cardamom is also beneficial for the health of your heart. Thus, the spice contains potassium, a mineral that is also found in your cells, body fluids and blood. If your organism has enough potassium, it will be able to control your blood pressure and regularize the heart rate. Finally, cardamom prevents inflammation and platelet aggregation and reduces the risk of strokes and blood clots. So as to take advantage of the cardamom’s benefits, you must consume 2 cups of cardamom tea per day.

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1 comentariu

  1. I love cardamom seeds. …should eat more. ….lovely warm aroma ….maybe good in cocktails ??

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