The Oldest and Most Efficient Cough Syrup in the World (Recipe)

Hundreds of people all over the world have tested this spicy syrup. The recipe is at least 30 years old. It was published for the first time in America. It is very simple to prepare at home  and can be administered for cough, sore throat, fever, sneezing or other flu and cold symptoms.

The Oldest and Most Efficient Cough Syrup in the World (Recipe)

Anti-Cough Syrup – Recipe


– ¼ teaspoon of grated ginger

– 2 tablespoons of water

– ¼ teaspoon of cayenne pepper

– 1 tablespoon of honey

– 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar


Mix all these ingredients and keep the syrup at room temperature or in the fridge. Adults can take 1 tablespoon of the syrup, 2 – 3 times per day. If you think it’s too spicy, you can add more honey.

Children over 10 years old can take 1 teaspoon, 2 – 3 times per day. Consult a doctor before giving this syrup to children younger than 10 years old.

You must keep in mind that any kind of cough that persists for more than 1 week and it’s accompanied by headaches or fever and any productive cough with yellow or green mucus should be evaluated by a doctor.

Even though this syrup has a pungent and burning taste, it manages to soothe an irritated throat and treat any kind of cough – especially the one that is not productive – and help you eliminate the phlegm and mucus excess from the throat, chest and nose.

Ginger is a natural antihistamine and cleans the nasal passages and airways from the irritants that can produce allergies, sneezing and throat irritation. Moreover, it’s extremely hot and helps decongest the sinuses and the throat.

Cayenne pepper is a spicy condiment that helps reduce the pain by supressing a chemical agent that transports the pain message from the nerves in the affected area to the brain. It’s stimulant and warming for the entire body.

Similar effects can be attributed to the apple cider vinegar. So, for a better effect, these ingredients are used together.

This syrup also has a prophylactic role and can prevent infections and diseases in the cold season, when people are always prone to these sort of problems.

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6 commments

  1. I’m interested in learning how an antihistamine, when swallowed, can clean irritants from the nasal passages and airways.

  2. Just a plain teaspoon of honey helped me a lot..

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