Apple Cider Vinegar Homemade Recipe

It’s fall and the markets get filled with numerous delicious fruits, including apples. Consuming apples can really keep the doctor away as the saying goes, but these fruits can also be used to prepare a magnificent elixir: apple cider vinegar. You can easily prepare it at home to obtain an unpasteurized, organic and unfiltered vinegar. We’ve come up with step-by-step instructions that will help you make this beneficial product.

Apple Cider Vinegar Homemade Recipe

Apple Cider Vinegar Recipe   

This natural product comes with a wide array of health benefits: making the hair and skin healthier, enhancing the immune system and boosting stamina among others. Let’s see what you need to prepare apple cider vinegar at home.

Cooking time: 1 hour


– 10 organic apples (they are more natural and have the best benefits)

– Filtered water (1 liter)

– Organic sugar (3 teaspoons)

– 2 jars

– Paper towels

– Rubber bands (2)


The first step of the preparation is washing the apples and cutting them in very small pieces. Include the stems, seeds and cores. Put all the pieces in one of the jars and add the sugar and water. Make sure the apples fill only ½ of the container.

Mix the water well, allowing the sugar to dissolve. Use a paper towel to cover the jar and use the rubber band to secure it. By doing this, the vinegar oxygen and bacteria won’t be contaminated.

The next step is to store the jar in a dry and cool place. Leave it there for about 3 weeks but don’t forget to mix it 1 or 2 times per day. Keep it away from the sun rays and don’t allow the room temperature to go beyond 29 degrees.

After about 14 days, you will see that the liquid has a gelatinous white film. It’s a vinegar bacteria produce and it’s known as the mother of vinegar. Use a hydrometer to see if the juice has enough natural sugar and if it can become a hard cider. Your cider will be ready when the apple pieces get down to the bottom of the bottle.

Once this happens, strain the liquid in the second jar and use another paper towel to cover it. This time, you will leave it for 4 weeks to let the alcohol become acetic acid. Shake the jar daily. After this month has passed, you will have to taste and smell the vinegar to see if it’s ready or not. It is prepared when it has no flavor or odor of alcohol. If you think it’s not fully prepared, you can leave it for another week. Pour the apple cider vinegar in a bottle and close it tightly. If it’s too strong, you can always dilute it with water.

Keep the bottle in a dry and cool place. There is no need to put it in the fridge.

As you can see, this preparation method is extremely simple and it can be used by everyone. This way, you will make sure that you always have natural apple cider vinegar in your home. Use it for salads or for the many medicinal recipes presented on our website.

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