Purify BLOOD and treat LIVER with NETTLE and LEMON

Consuming seasonal foods can bring us many health benefits, especially during spring time when nature has plenty of fresh green leafs full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants to offer for free.

We can call it „the season of liver and gall bladder”, since so many bitter depurative herbs that spring this time of year.

Nettle lemon tonic

Nettle is one of the best remedies for cleansing, strenghtening and rejuvenating the entire body. Author Susun Weed says that nettles are the green milk of the earth, due to their ability to nourish and restore weakened organisms after cold winter months.

They are rich in restorative minerals – calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, zinc, cooper and proteins that are easy to absorb by our bodies. They also contain good amounts of vitamin C, vitamins A, B, D and K.

Herbalist Rosemary Gladstar says that nettle is one of the best sources of plant digestible iron, with good results in anemia.

Nettle consumption can benefit many organs and systems of our body: liver, digestive tract, urinary tract, reproductive system, immune system, metabolic system and respiratory system.

Eating nettle helps produce blood and nourish our adrenal glands. It’s a wonderful tonic, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic herb for those suffering from excessive fatigue and weakness, as well as for those recovering after a prolonged illness or stres time in their life.

It’s recommended in urinary tract infections, water retention, intoxicated organism, stress, gout, eczema, itching skin, constipation and diarrhea, allergies and autoimmune diseases.


Lemonade with nettles – recipe


• 2 lemons
• 1 small piece of ginger root
• a handful of young nettle tops
• 1 tablespoon of honey
• 1 liter of flat or mineral water


Peel the lemon, cut them in slices and put them into the blender. Wash the nettle leafs and add them to the mix with a glass of water and the ginger piece. Mix a few seconds and them add the honey and the rest of the water. Mix again until you reach a homogeneous juice.

One can also add beetroot or carrot juice to make the recipe stronger and more efficient for anemia, blood or liver issues.



1. The Herbal Academy, STINGING NETTLE RECIPES FOR SPRING EATING: https://theherbalacademy.com/stinging-nettle-recipes/

2. The Herbal Academy, A FAMILY HERB: STINGING NETTLE LEAF USES: https://theherbalacademy.com/a-family-herb-stinging-nettle-leaf-uses/

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