LEMON and HONEY jar recipe – a simple yet POWERFUL home remedy (video)
Lemon-honey jar is a very popular recipe to make a home. An easy yet powefrul remedy for strenghtening our immune system, fighting cold and flu, liver and billiar diseases.
It’s amazing how such simple ingredients we already have in our homes can provide such great benefits to our body. Lemon and honey make a delicious antidot for multiple diseases.
Besides preventing a cold and calming a sore throat, lemon honey recipe have a big influence on internal organs.
It acts like a tonic on weakened, immune depleted organisms, on those recovering from serious diseases, as well as on stressed people who perform intense physical and mintal daily activities.
Lemon is rich in vitamin C, which helps our body to fight infections and other diseases.
Macerating lemon in honey results in a savory syrup that has calming, emolient effects on an aching throat. It is definitely a better alternative to the chemical expensive cough syrups that contain a lot of sugar.

Lemon honey jar recipe________________________________________
Lemon honey jar – recipe
• 2 lemons
• 200 g of honey
Fot this lemon honey recipe you will need a clean dry mason jar (200-300 g). Peel the lemons if they are not organic and cut them into small chunks. Place them in the jar and cover them with honey. If your honey is slightly thick, microwave it for a few seconds or until it becomes more liquid.
Press the lemon chunks and submerge them into the honey. Add more honey if necessary. Place the lied on and let the lemon macerate for a few hours, although you can start consuming the it right away. The warm honey will mix with the lemon juice and form a healing syrup.
You can also add chunks of ginger root or other healing spices, like cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, basil, thyme.
Take the syrup as needed, consuming the lemon chunks as well. In sickness you can take 1-2 teaspoons an hour, or at least 5-6 times a day.
Keep the syrup it in the fridge.