Carrot Compound Decreases the Chances of Getting Cancer

Just as red beets, carrots are some of the veggies that have proven to prevent and even treat cancerous conditions when put into good use. Although doctors encourage the consumption of carrots, only recently it was determined that these vegetables have anti-cancer effects.

carrot compound that fights cancer

Natural pesticide within the carrot has anti-cancer effects

Scientists give us another reason to believe in the power of raw carrots. A team of researchers from Newcastle University in England in collaboration with Denmark University have discovered that carrots have a compound with a significant role in reducing the development of cancer.

This compound is known under the name of falcarinol and is in fact a natural pesticide which protects carrots from fungal diseases.

The team of researchers conducted laboratory tests on 24 rats with pre-cancerous tumors. The rats were divided in 3 groups, being fed different diets. The groups fed with carrots besides their normal food and the ones that were fed falcarinol (the right amount that can be found in carrots) and normal food for 18 weeks had 1/3 less chances of developing cancerous tumors at full scale in comparison with the controlled group.

“It is good to know that carrots are beneficial for our health and that they have the capacity of reducing the risk of getting cancer, but up to this point we did not know which element from this veggie has this spectacular properties” said doctor Kirsten Brandt, the author of the study.

Other studies must be developed in order to establish exactly how much falcarinol can prevent cancer development. Considering that there are multiple carrots options (color, size and forms), researchers must settle which are the most effective for this purpose.

This study was made on raw carrots, therefore it is not known if cooked carrots or carrot juice have the same effect. In order to benefit from the carrots’ therapeutic properties, Doctor Brandt recommends the consumption of 1 carrot per day, along with other vegetables and fruits.

This research might be extended to other vegetables as well. At the same time, the recommendation of consuming 5 portions of fruits and vegetables a day could be improved with tips regarding which fruits and veggies are best and in which quantities they must be consumed. Once you know that, you can choose what is best for your body and eat the right amount, so the effect is visible.

In large quantities, falcaronol is toxic, but to turn it into a deadly ingredient, we should consume around 400 kg of carrots at once.

This research was financed by the Danish Agricultural and Veterinary Research Council and its affiliated institutions.

Each day, science goes further and further and proves us that we have all of these natural fighters against cancer that we must use if we want to have a happy and healthy life.

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