About 'hyperglycemia'

Blood Glucose Levels: Testes, Diagnoses and Types of Diabetes

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A high level of blood sugar is a condition that defines diabetes. During this condition both acute and chronic complications can develop: hyperglycemia/hypoglycemia or coronary heart disease, stroke, lower limb peripheral arterial diseases which are potentially lethal complications. This is […]

Hyperglicemia Diet

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As you know, diabetes is a disease characterized by a relative or total failure of insulin (the hormone secreted by the pancreas), which makes glucose from bread, pasta, sweets and other foods difficult to be burned in the tissues in […]

Hypoglycemia and Hyperglycemia Pregnancy Risks

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Pregnant women with diabetes often give birth to big children, sometimes experiencing a difficult birth with risk of hypoglycemia for the child, especially in the first hours or days of life. Most times, this hypoglycemia remains without consequences for the […]

Hyperglycemia – Causes, Symptoms and Natural Treatment

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Hyperglycemia is a term that indicates that in our blood there is too much glucose. This occurs when the body does not have enough insulin or has enough, but can not use it properly. When the glucose concentration exceeds 120 […]