Perimenopause: The Reverse of Puberty

Perimenopause Symptoms: The Reverse of Puberty  Women are sensitive human beings. Their body is able to give life, but in reality it is a fragile body, subjected to multiple hormonal changes. Menopause is part of a woman’s matured life. But what Perimenopause is? Well, this is just the beginning of menopause, a new chapter in your life that must be approached with care and attention.

What is Perimenopause

Understanding all the shifts that occur in your organism at this moment in time is the key to passing this stage without fear and second worries that prove to be useless in the end. Perimenopause is defined as a transitive period preceding natural menopause. In most cases, perimenopause manifests by hormonal imbalances. This is precisely why some called it „the reverse of puberty”.

When does Perimenopause begin?

Perimenopause can start anytime between 30 to 50 years. However, in some cases, this phase can begin around 40s, leading surely to natural menopause that occurs around the age of 50.

As during puberty, menopause – in all its phases is defined by hormonal imbalances which are considered normal. Abnormality occurs when this hormonal instability is extreme or irregular, negatively affecting the quality of life. In this case, most probably it is a question of hormonal imbalances and not perimeneopause symptoms.

Hormonal imbalance during Perimenopause

So, why do these hormonal perturbations occur during perimenopause? The answer is simple: hormonal fluctuations appear when sex hormone levels fluctuate more or faster than normal, making your body unable to control them. There are also changes in the relations between estrogen, progesterone, testosterone and luteinizing hormone. Happily, the human body has a safety system that helps compensate all these changes.

The most popular factors that may trigger hormonal dysfunctions and cause dramatic perimenopause symptoms refer to:

• Chronic stress
• Emotional problems
• Bad diet
• Lack of sleep
• Sedentariness or physical strain
• Environmental toxins

These factors reduce the body’s natural capacity of detoxification and maintaining a healthy balance. At this point, your organism needs all the help you can give in order to avoid worsening and reestablish natural hormonal balance.

What are Perimenopause symptoms?

The most frequent perimenopause symptoms that may occur before any visible change of the menstrual cycle are:

• Irritation and stressful mood swings
• Hot flashes
• Decreased libido
• Weight gain
• Menstrual migraine
• Insomnia
• Weakness
• Acute fatigue
• Breast tenderness
• Irregular periods
• Vaginal dryness
• Urinary urgency

How long does Perimenopause last?

Usually, perimenopause lasts around 4 years, up until natural menopause arrives, and it ends the first year after menopause. That is the time when ovaries stop releasing eggs and also when the estrogen starts its decline. This is why in the last two years of perimenopause the menopausal symptoms accelerate. Nevertheless, there are women who may experience a perimenopause period of only a few months or of 10 years.

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