The people of Okinawa, an island southwest of Japan’s main landmass, are known for their longevity. Having studied the habits of particularly long-lived people, I’ve taken nine lessons from the Okinawans that I believe help them live long, happy lives. […]
News Nutrition Health
5 Things You Need To Know About Your Blood Type
Do you think knowing your blood type is only important in the event of a transfusion? Think again! Research indicates that your blood type is a key genetic factor that influences many areas of health and well-being. Throughout your life, […]
Cancer Fighthing Herbs and Spices
Spices and herbs have many properties that can help reduce the risk of various types of cancer, or alleviate some of the pain caused by harsh cancer treatments. The next list of spices and herbs are loaded with strong cancer-fighting compounds. Ginger Ginger […]
Vitamin C Improves Breast Cancer Survival in Women
Researchers have just confirmed in a large new meta-study that women with breast cancer can markedly improve their survival by getting more vitamin C in their diet and through supplements. The new study included over 17,600 women with the cancer, […]
Mouth Breathing vs. Nose Breathing (for Mouth Breather)
If you are a mouth breather, you need to know the following medical facts. Published-western-clinical evidence clearly proved that mouth breathing is one of 2 immediate leading causes of mortality in the severely sick patients with chronic diseases. Early morning […]
Mango fruit nutrition facts and health benefits
“The king of the fruits,” mango fruit is one of the most popular, nutritionally rich fruits with unique flavor, fragrance, taste, and heath promoting qualities making it a common ingredient in new functional foods often labeled “super fruits.” Mango is […]