Ways of Handling Rosacea Triggers
Rosacea is a skin condition that consists of unusually red nose, cheeks, chin and forehead. In time, the areas affected can develop bumps and pimples and the eyes may look bloodshot.
The exact cause of the disease is still a mystery. What is known is that it typically appears in people between 30 and 50 years old and that genetics plays a role in its appearance. The redness is caused by expanded blood vessels in the mentioned areas. As of now, there are no clear cures, although there are methods of reducing the symptoms.
One way of finding relief from this condition is by eliminating some of its triggers. Here are some solutions:
Find a way of reducing stress
Stress can both trigger and accentuate the effects of rosacea. It is important to take some time each day to relax, do light exercises, meditate – anything that brings you some inner peace.
Try to limit the effects of changing weather conditions on your body
In summer, make sure you are properly cooled down and hydrated. In winter, put a scarf over your face and moisturize your skin. It is important to avoid quick changes of temperature without any protection.
Try to limit unhealthy cosmetics
Products containing alcohol, fragrances, menthol, peppermint or eucalyptus oil can accentuate the symptoms of rosacea.
Avoid aggressive bathing habits in the affected areas
Do not use extremely powerful antibacterial soaps, hot water or aggressive scrubbing in the affected areas. Use, instead, mild soap, soft towels and slightly warm water.
Pay attention to your exercise habits
Exercise can trigger your symptoms if not done right. However, this varies from case to case, so it’s important to pay attention to how your skin reacts. If intense effort increases the symptoms, then it’s best to lower the intensity and spread it over a longer period of time. The opposite can hold true as well, if longer exercises lead to a stronger response from your skin, then shorten them up and increase the intensity.
If you are a woman at menopause, the clothing may make a difference
If you are having hot flashes, they may be a trigger for rosacea as well. Wearing breathable fabrics could help.
Take care of other common illnesses
Common illnesses can make your rosacea symptoms more severe, so treat those quickly, when that is the case.
Limit your sun exposure
One of the most common triggers is exposure to sunlight. Try to limit outside activities in the middle of the day. If they are necessary, use some mild sunscreen and some protective headwear such as caps or hats.
Watch your diet
Pay attention to your body’s response to what you eat. Some foods or drinks can lead to stronger symptoms, note them down and avoid them. Some of the most common would be spicy foods, hot drinks and alcohol.
Pay attention to what medication you take regularly
Consult a doctor about your condition, so that medication will not trigger strong reactions.
These are general steps to follow for a healthier and more beautiful skin when you have rosacea. However, consulting a doctor will always be one of the best recommendations.