Ways To Battle Gestational Diabetes

As you could guess by the name, gestational diabetes is a condition where blood sugar levels rise above normal levels during pregnancy. The symptoms it leads to are fatigue, dry throat, frequent urination and blurred vision. Untreated cases can lead to large babies with low blood sugar and breathing problems, with an increased risk of obesity and diabetes 2 in the future.


Luckily, most situations can be overcome. While the cause of this condition is unknown, its results can be detected and addressed during pregnancy in a safe way that ensures the health of both the mother and the child. Simple methods such as dietary changes and exercise can make a huge difference, sometimes with the help of insulin injections. In most cases, blood sugar levels become normal after birth.

Here are a few ways of managing your gestational diabetes:

  • Monitor your blood sugar level

Controlling your blood sugar is essential during your pregnancy, with the costs being sometimes covered by health insurance providers. Use it regularly during the day: when you wake up and then after every meal. As mentioned, this condition should be handled under medical supervision, so anything that is above normal parameters should be reported to your specialist.

  • Have a healthy breakfast that is low in sugar

Breakfast is often said to be the most important meal of the day, so a healthy approach becomes even more important for pregnant women. Skipping it leads to variations in blood sugar levels, making your task for stability even more difficult.

A good meal in the morning consists of foods that are rich in energy and low in sugars. Therefore, eggs, oatmeal, whole-grain cereals and leafy greens are good choices.

  • Consume a lot of fiber

Fiber provides great help in reducing blood sugar levels, on top of bringing benefits to the digestive and cardiovascular systems. Fruits and vegetables are kings when it comes to fiber, yet you should check their glycemic index online before making your choice. Cereals, beans, peas and whole-grain products should be an important part of your regular diet.

  • Choose your carbohydrates wisely

Carbohydrates are a well known of necessary energy for your body, yet it is well known that they eventually turn to sugars. Therefore, you need to choose the so-called “complex carbohydrates” for your diet, as their influence on your insulin levels is lower. Foods to pick are whole grains, peas, beans and vegetables. Avoid simple carbohydrates found in white bread or processed foods.

  • Exercise

Exercise helps regulate numerous systems of your body, making it key for a well-balanced lifestyle. Simple daily walks can do wonders for your overall health – besides helping keep your blood sugar within normal levels, it can also help relax your muscles, aid with your sleep, promote better blood circulation and improve your mood, among many other benefits that it brings.

As you can see, the measures needed to fight gestational diabetes are quite simple and come with many other health benefits as well. It is important, however, that you do get tested and follow medical advice regarding this condition.

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