Why You Should Try Milk Tea
Besides being part of the cultural and traditional background of different countries, milk tea also has many advantages for your health.
Good for anxiety and infections
Milk tea is composed of L-theanine. Theanine can improve our immune system by letting the gamma delta T cells gain strength. There was a study in 2003 and its purpose was to observe how the antibacterial proteins react in people who drink hot beverages such as coffee or tea. This type of protein is the indicator of the immune system. If its level is high, our immunity can function better. The experts from this study concluded that the persons who drink tea produce antibacterial proteins at a higher level than those who drink coffee.
This beverage can help you lose weight
If you want to lose weight, milk tea may be a solution. The tea in this beverage contains compounds that can reduce the fat absorption from the gut. Also, the tea can diminish the cholesterol levels, thus preventing heart diseases. However, a dispute has appeared concerning milk tea. When you consume milk and tea together, the milk neutralizes the capacity of tea to fight against the fats from our bodies. Dr. Devajit Borthakur (from the Tea Research Association) declared that those who drink milk tea don’t get the benefits from the compounds of tea or milk.
Milk tea is rich in calcium and antioxidants
Tea contains the antioxidants while milk contains calcium that is good for the development of your bone structure. Another advantage of consuming milk is represented by the minerals that contribute to the functions of both neuromuscular and cardiovascular system. The antioxidants from milk tea have another role. They eliminate free radicals or other bad elements, so cancer is prevented.
Thai Almond Milk Bubble Tea is one of the best drinks you can try. The ingredients that you need are: half cup of almond milk, half cup raw or turbinado sugar, half cup of Thai tea mix or you can try three to four black tea bags, half cup of black tapioca pearls, and one-fourth cup of almond syrup.
How do you prepare it? You boil 5 mugs of water. Then you boil the boba for five minutes. Then you combine half cup of water and sugar in a pan. You boil the final composition up until the sugar is entirely melted. After that, you add almond syrup in that mixture. You strain the boba slowly into the sugar syrup and you let it sit for 10-15 minutes. Then you brew and strain the tea through a sieve. You refrigerate the beverage until it gets cold.
If you want to prepare the bubble tea, you mix two tablespoons of syrup with boba. Then you pour some almond milk into 8 ounces of infused tea and then you mix it.
Milk tea is certainly a delicious beverage, but, at the same time, it has many healthy benefits. It’s the perfect drink for a rainy day.
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