Treat Depression and Heart Diseases with Ylang-Ylang Essential Oil

What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when thinking about ylang-ylang essential oil? Probably its amazing floral scent, generally used in aromatherapy and even in perfumery. Just by adding a few drops of ylang-ylang essential oil to your air refresher or your potpourri, you can change the entire atmosphere at in your home or your office. Moreover, besides its magnificent scent, an essential oil such as ylang-ylang is not loaded with chemicals, and it is not expensive, compared to an unnatural air refresher.

ylang-ylang essential oil benefits

Ylang-ylang is a fascinating flower that did not stop surprising us since it has been discovered. First, with its bright color and its beauty, then with its smell, and nowadays, this flower is used more and more in cosmetic products. It is also beneficial in healing some ailments, due to its great proprieties. You can take advantage of all these proprieties when you choose to use ylang-ylang essential oil to refresh the air in your home.

Remedy for Depression, Anxiety, and Panic Attacks

In the last few years, ylang-ylang essential oil’s popularity as an antidepressant has grown significantly. Only by smelling this essential oil, you will be able to improve your mood considerably and fight with depression and anxiety. Ylang-ylang essential oil has the power to fight against panic attacks and relieve fear, tension or shock. If you experience symptoms such as a rapid heartbeat or rapid breathing, take a few moments to relax and inhale the scent of ylang-ylang essential oil.

Reduces Stress and Improves the Power of Concentration

This essential oil helps you get rid of stress, and it gives you the right mood to concentrate on your work. For this reason, it is efficient to use ylang-ylang essential oil also at the office, not only at home. You may need it especially in the second part of the day when coffee is no more a good option for staying focused on your work. Moreover, keep in mind that ylang-ylang essential oil has no side effects, such as not letting you to sleep at night; on the contrary, it helps you sleep better – you will fall asleep quicker and have a high-quality sleep. So you can use it at any time of the day. After a stressful day, for a more relaxing effect, you may add a few drops to your massage oil and get a massage, or you may put one or two drops of this essential oil on your temples.

Lowers the Blood Pressure and Protects Your Heart

Another health benefit of ylang-ylang essential oil is that it lowers the blood pressure. This contributes to healthy blood vessels and a healthy heart. Moreover, the smell of ylang-ylang helps you to ameliorate and even to eliminate symptoms that could damage your heart in time, such as racing heart and palpitations.

Ylang-ylang essential oil is also useful for other issues, such as upset stomach, hormonal imbalance, frigidity, impotence, headaches, muscle tension, shortness of breath, and fatigue.

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