Thinning Hair – How to Treat This Problem Naturally?
Thinning hair is one of the common problems when it comes to looks, particularly among women; it’s hardly a surprise considering the daily stress that the scalp and hair itself have to withstand. The fast modern lifestyle often leads to unhealthy meals that can be consumed quickly, plenty of agitation and not enough rest, chemicals that do harm in the long run and many other factors – these all contribute to weaker hair.
Luckily, there are natural, accessible items that have proven very useful in handling this problem. Let’s have a look at several solutions:
Home treatments for thinning hair
Besides its other various uses, castor oil is considered a good choice when dealing with hair loss problems. The way it is used is as a massage solution: several drops, either on their own or added to other natural massaging oils, are used on the affected scalp area and left to act during the night. The area needs to be well covered afterwards. The next day, it can be rinsed with typical measures: either plain water or a healthy natural shampoo will work. The treatment should be followed for a few weeks, applied either daily or 3-4 times a week, depending on hair and scalp condition.
Along the same lines, coconut oil and aloe vera are just as suitable. Coconut oil can be used with lemon juice in order to fight hair thinning. On its own, this oil is known to improve hair thickness, due to the nourishing effects its vitamins and fatty acids have on the scalp. Lemon juice, with its high antioxidant properties given by vitamin C, is another common natural treatment that ensures good skin health.
Mix four tablespoons of coconut oil with two teaspoons of lemon juice. Apply the solution to the scalp, while massaging gently. Let it act for 15 minutes at the very least, but it is recommended that you leave it for an hour if possible.
Aloe vera can help fight hair thinning both in its gel form, applied locally, and as a juice for regular consumption.
And a little surprise at the end
Onion is, perhaps, the most surprising item in this article. The reason why it is recommended for keeping your hair healthy is its sulfur content. Sulfur helps with the production of collagen, therefore leading to good skin condition. Not only does sulfur help rebuild tissues, but it also improves blood circulation and ensures proper pore functioning – in practice, this means a healthier scalp that will strengthen your hair.
For this purpose, onion is used in juice form. You will need a cup of water and a blender or juicer. Chop the onion and place it in the tool of your choice, along with the water, to obtain the required juice. Filtrate it with a regular strainer so that you can only have the liquid alone. Apply it to your scalp and let it act for at least 30 minutes. Rinse as usual.
Hair thinning is one of those aesthetic problems that can really ruin your confidence. However, a few simple natural solutions, coupled with a healthy lifestyle can bring your hair back to its best, most admirable shape.
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