The Solution to Lighter Skin

We all dream of having light and flawless skin that rivals that of fairy tale princesses. Snow White has always been a goal, and we grow up convinced that we will eventually look just like that. Unfortunately, external factors such as pollution, food habits, stress and UV lights get in the way, making our skin look darker than it should, pigmented and blemished.


Routine Brings Results

There are countless whitening products on the market. They may work; but at the same time, they may do more harm than they do well. Most shelf-bought products contain harsh chemicals such as parabens, BHT, BHA, and lanolin. They will indeed provide you with instant fairness and glow… but it will not stay there for long.

Here’s a good routine that should provide you with long-lasting results, as long as you stay true to it.

  • Cleanse: you remove the dirt, dust and excess oil from the skin.
  • Exfoliate: you scrub off the dead skin that has accumulated.
  • Tone: you shrink the opened sores.
  • Mask: you apply the skin-lightening mask.
  • Moisturize: you nourish and lock the moisture into the skin cells.

Options are many; but for now, let’s see what you can use for each of these stages:

  • Cleansing

Considering that your skin is exposed every day to pollution and bacteria, you need to cleanse your skin and unclog the pores which are full of impurities. In that sense, you can use ingredients such as milk, yogurt, or baking soda to wipe them off (the baking soda needs to be combined with water). You can also make a paste out of activated charcoal and water and use it as a 10-minute mask.

  • Exfoliation

Most people use products such as sugar, salt or coffee to exfoliate their skin. Combining these ingredients with some nourishing oil (coconut, olive or whatever your choice is) and a little bit of lemon will rid you of the dead skin cells (after some gentle scrubbing, of course).

  • Toning

Whatever was missed through the cleansing and exfoliation process, the toning part will definitely get rid of it. You will also hydrate, soothe and close up the sores in this stage using cucumber juice, rose water, witch hazel, or mint leaves tea.

  • Mask

After your skin has been properly cleansed and exfoliated, you will need to apply the actual mask that will hydrate the skin. You can try making masks out of fruits for example bananas, avocados, strawberries or apples), or you can go for clay masks, orange peel masks, and rice powder masks. Each of them has amazing skin lightening properties.

  • Moisturizing

The skin tends to become very dry during the first four stages, which is why it needs moisturizing. Some good natural moisturizers that can be applied directly on the skin are shea butter, cocoa butter, and vegetable oils.

Remember to use sunscreen each time you go out in the sun and use cosmetics that do not contain harsh chemicals.

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