Smiling Keeps You Healthy And Happy

A warm smile, sincere joy, openness, good and bright thoughts towards other people, and the peace of the soul are extremely important for our emotional and physical health.


Various studies have shown the therapeutic value of smile and laughter. According to a review conducted by Spanish researchers, laughter could be used in complementary therapies for preventing and treating diseases. Its beneficial effects have important psychological implications, as well as social and spiritual ones.

Studies say smiling is the best medicine

Scientists from Indiana State University argue that humor has important physiological effects on the function of the immune system. Laughter reduces stress and enhances NK cell activity. A low level of NK cells in the body is associated with a reduced resistance to diseases and increased morbidity in patients with serious illnesses, such as cancer or HIV.

Dr. Rich Castellano authored an interesting book on the subject called “The Smile Prescription.” He believes that smiling is the key to health and longevity. People who smile often live longer. A genuine smile has the power to change the brain chemistry and thus the health of the body.

Besides having de-stress effects and inducing a sense of joy and fulfillment, smiling or laughter eases pain and accelerates the healing process. Initially, laughter increases the heart rate and the depth of breathing and oxygen consumption, followed by muscle relaxation, accompanied by a decrease in the frequency of breathing and blood pressure.

Researchers found that a forced smile, obtained using an object placed behind the teeth which causes the lips to mimic a smile helps regulate heart rate after stressful and demanding tasks which cause increased blood pressure.

People respond differently when you smile to them. They have a positive reaction, smiling back, and this makes all the difference. “People crave for this message,” says Dr. Rich Castellano. A straight, frowning or dark face will make the others feel bad and uncomfortable. When two smiles meet, your emotional armor melts and you get a feeling of trust, safety and natural joy.

A smile has so much power that it could save someone’s life. Don Ritchie known as “the Australian angel” is living close to a cliff in Sidney called “The Gap,” a place associated with many suicides. When he sees a distraught and sad person, heading towards the cliff, Don slowly approaches him/her, and with a friendly smile, he invites that person to have some tea. With this simple smile and an invitation to tea and breakfast, Don Ritchie managed to save 160 people from suicide.

In the 50s, a study has shown that people who smile with their whole face live on average 79 years, those who smile politely (only with their lips) live on an average 75 years, while those who do not smile at all live on an average 72 years.

As you can see, staying healthy and making people around you happy, doesn’t cost more than a sincere smile. Try to smile more often, think positive thoughts and be more optimistic and you will see the amazing benefits of this change.

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