Oversleeping is Not as Good as You Might Think

It’s a truth universally acknowledged that sleep deprivation has a set of negative impacts on the health. It can harm one’s physical and mental performance, and, at the same time, it can increase the risks of obesity, heart disease, as well as other equally harmful maladies. Nonetheless, it would appear that sleep deprivation is not the only habit that can be genuinely detrimental to one’s health. On the contrary, oversleeping seems to bring a set of harmful effects as well.

oversleeping and its effects

Experts advise us to sleep between 7 and 9 hours per night. If you exceed this limit, you are prone to suffer from many side effects. Not to mention that oversleeping may cause you to endlessly have issues arriving on time at school or your job, and leave everyone surrounding you frustrated of your frequent tardiness. But, as previously mentioned, your health and general well-being are prone to be affected by oversleeping. Let’s take a look at the primary health repercussions that imminently emerge if you get more than 9 hours of sleep per night.

  • It increases the risk of depression

A 2014 study divulged that individuals who tend to oversleep suffer from symptoms typical of depression. Study participants who slept more than 9 hours were 49 percent more prone to suffer from this condition. On that account, if you feel under the weather most of the time, perhaps you should revise your sleeping schedule!

  • It makes your brain age

A 2012 study developed on women for six years’ time revealed that the brains of the study participants who overslept were two years older than the brains of the ones who had a healthy sleeping pattern. It’s crystal clear that sleeping plays a significant role in maintaining your overall health, but, oversleeping seems to have an adverse impact on the brain’s functions.

  • It can lead to obesity

Oversleeping, similar to sleep deprivation, is a leading cause of obesity. Studies developed in this matter indicate that individuals who oversleep are more inclined to become overweight, even if they follow an exercise routine and a healthy diet.

  • It may prevent you from conceiving

If you’re planning on growing your family, the, perhaps you should think again when you hit the snooze button. A study developed in Korea in 2013 pointed that women who get more than 9 hours of sleep per night are less inclined to become pregnant than the women who have a healthy sleeping schedule.

  • It puts you at the risk of suffering from diabetes

Studies have discovered that oversleeping may determine insulin resistance, in this way growing the risks of suffering from diabetes.

  • It worsens chronic back pain

If you suffer from chronic back pain, oversleeping may actually worsen your condition. While back pain may entice you to spend more time under the blanket, it will genuinely worsen your situation. Thus, next time you wish to linger in bed, think again!

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