Natural Remedies for Baby Colic
If you read this article it means that your new born baby experiences the pains brought in by colic and you want to find natural remedies to treat this condition.
First of all, you must know that more than 20% of the babies suffer from colic in the first couple of months and usually this disorder will go on its own after three months. While seeing how your baby crouches its tiny body in pain it gives you the feeling of helplessness not knowing what to do.
It may be reassuring to you in knowing that this disorder doesn’t indicate that your baby is suffering from a disease because it can otherwise be in a perfect state of health. Once you fed it and changed its diaper, it can be ok for a while but with the first hour of sleep it can start crying pulling its knees to the chest while having a hard and swollen abdomen.
It can stop for a while but the colic will be present again after a while and you will hear it screaming for the pain it feels inside its abdomen. It is important for you as a new mom to try handling this situation as best as possible.
Make sure for instance that you get to sleep the moments when your baby is sleeping as well because it is essential that you are rested when you breast feed your baby. It is no such time that you become grumpy and stressed over not sleeping as much as you should. Now where does this colic come from?
It is believed that the intestinal walls have tensed muscles, but the matter of fact there is no known cause to lead to this disorder. There are however a few possible explanations, such as: problems with nutrition, gases trapped inside the intestines, digestive tract nerves are not yet the maturity, reaction to the breast milk that is spoiled by nicotine presence. Also it may be because mothers consider introducing solid food in the baby’s diet before they turn 3 months old.
As to the natural remedies for colic you must consider breast feeding your baby with the milk that flows from one breast and when it is done at this side, only then the baby should be put to the other breast. It is important to have the subsequent milk feeding your baby because the first one will pass quickly from stomach to intestine and in there lactose can ferment leading to the presence of gases.
Make sure that you watch carefully your diet and avoid foods that are irritating because they can easily pass to the breast milk. For instance substances found in apples, eggs, strawberries, oranges, chocolate, tomatoes, alcohol or coffee may make your baby sensitive to the milk. There are as well foods that cause gas such as broccoli, cucumber, pepper, beans and cauliflower and end up in breast milk. Instead focus on aromatic herbs (fennel, ginger, dill, cinnamon and caraway) that are introduced in your choices of foods.