Maria Treben Menopause Remedies – 6 Herbs

Menopause is a turning point in every woman’s life. Austrian herbalist Maria Treben recommends six efficient herbs that can help menopausal women to pass more easily through this transition period. These fabulous remedies can be found in her book called Health From God’s Pharmacy.

Maria Treben Menopause Remedies – 6 Herbs

Maria Treben Menopause Remedies – 6 Herbs

Menopause age

Menopause is also called the critical age in women, or climacteric. Menopause normally starts somewhere between the 45th and the 50th year. Gradually, the regular ovulation and the menstruation ceases.

Often, just before the disappearance of menstruation, women may experience specific premenopausal disturbances. These are normally caused by the cessation of ovarian activity, leading to reduction and disappearance of female hormone estrogen.

Menopause symptoms

Menopausal women complain of:

• Palpitations, aritmia
• Hypertonia
• Sleep disorders
• Irritability, anxiety, depression, unjustified tears
Hot flushes followed by sweating, night sweats
• Headache
• Dizziness

Menopause – Home Remedies

First of all, menopausal women must adapt to this new situation in order to pass through all disturbances that occur on all levels easily. Menopause symptoms should be regarded as normal mood changes due to lack of female hormones, which must be overcome with patience and maturity.

I. Lady’s Mantle tea (Alchemilla vulgaris)

Add a teaspoon of lady’s mantle in a cup of boiling water and let it infuse for 10 minutes, then strain. Drink small and rare sips, up to 3 cups of tea per day.

II. Shepherd’s Purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris)

During menopause, women must try to include this tea in their regular daily diet. Shepherd’s purse is one of the most efficient herb for treating women’s conditions.

Drink 2 cups of shepherd tea a day for 4 weeks. The amount of tea should be divided into several equal doses for consumption during the day. For each cup of tea, add a teaspoon of herb to a cup of boiling water. After several minutes of infusion, strain and drink . After 4 weeks of treatment one must take a 3 weeks break, then resume the treatmet for other 4 weeks in a row.

III. Mistletoe tea (Viscum album)

Add a teaspoon of mistletoe in a cup of cold water and let it sit for 12 hours (overnight ). Heat the mixture in the morning and strain. You can drink up to 3 cups of mistletoe tea throughout the day.

IV. Yarrow (Achillea millefolium)

Add 1 teaspoon of yarrow to a cup of boiling water and let it infuse for a few minutes. Strain and drink 2-3 cups of tea each day.

V. Yarrow sitz baths

Menopausal women shoul take one sitz bath with yarrow tea each week. Place 100 grams of yarrow in a 5 liter bucket with cold water and let it soak overnight. In the morning, heat the mixture and strain. Add the tea in the tub and take a bath for 20 minutes. After the bath, don’t use the towel to wipe your body, just dress up with a thick robe and stay in bed for at least one hour to sweat.

VI. Herbal mix

Mix the following herbs:

• Valerian (50 g)
• Arnica (25 g)
• Lemon balm (5 g)
• Yarrow (25 g)
• Sage (25 g)

Take a teaspoon of the mixture and brew it with a cup of boiling water for a few minutes. Strain and drink the tea with small sips in the morning, on an empty stomach .

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