Lupus: Causes, Symptoms and Remedies

Lupus is an auto-immune disease, meaning that the infection-defense capabilities of the immune system are turned against the organism, damaging the healthy tissues and cells. Numerous studies and researches are still conducted to find out the exact causes of lupus. However, the experts say that it is a combination of hormonal, environmental and genetic factors. Other causes could be the viruses, the overexposure to sun, various drugs and the stress. Lupus causes acute damage and inflammation to different body organs and tissues, affecting the brain, joints, blood vessels, skin, lungs, heart and kidneys. The extreme fatigue, the skin rashes, the kidney problems, the unexplained fever and the swollen or painful joints are the main symptoms triggered by this disease. There are various home remedies that can help you strengthen the immune system and reduce the lupus symptoms.

Lupus: Causes, Symptoms and Remedies


This plant has anti-inflammatory properties and it is extremely efficient in treating the lupus symptoms. Besides reducing the inflammation, it also aids the digestion, allowing your body to transform the food into energy, making you fell less tired.

Fish Oil

People who suffer from lupus may take advantage of the omega-3 fatty acids in the fish oil capsules. Even though more research is needed, it has been shown that these fatty acids can curb inflammation and fight against the lupus symptoms. Consume sardines or salmon or take fish oil supplements to increase your omega-3 intake.


These seeds are also rich in the fatty acids known as alpha-linolenic acid. These acids will reduce the inflammation inside the body and can also help the kidneys function normally. People suffering from lupus nephritis are prone to having kidney problems, so consuming flaxseed might beneficial for them.

Vitamin A

This antioxidant can be extracted from fortified foods, liver and whole milk. Also, to benefit from vitamin A, you must consume carrots and other vegetables that contain beta-carotene. The role of the vitamin A is to combat the free radicals that can damage your DNA and to reduce the inflammation of the body. Thus, it is extremely useful for the individuals suffering from lupus. When vitamin A is lacking in the organism, the skin, lungs and intestines can get inflamed. Lupus patients must consume foods rich in vitamin A so as to prevent or reduce the symptoms triggered by lung disease, acne or inflammatory bowel disease.

Vitamin E

This is also crucial for those suffering from lupus. This vitamin supplement can protect the heart and reduce the risks of developing heart disease. The alpha-tocopherol in this vitamin can also fight against lung inflammation and offer relief from allergies. Still, more studies need to be conducted to see the exact effects of vitamin E on lupus patients.

Vitamin D

Finally, the vitamin D is crucial for people with lupus. These patients usually suffer from bone loss and bone weakness and the vitamin D is important in maintaining the bone health. It decreases the chances of osteoporosis and, at the same time, it can have an immune-regulating property, tempering an overactive immune system. It fights against the destructive immune system, helping it recover its normal functions.

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