Find Out If You Suffer From Gluten Intolerance

Almost any type of bread, pasta, or cereals is produced from grains and it contains gluten. Even some sort of soups, salads, or dressings can have small amounts of gluten. Wheat, rye, barley are grains containing gluten. If you try to stay away from gluten, you shouldn’t avoid only the foods mentioned above, because cereals are used for the production of many other dishes or beverages, such as beer.

gluten intolerance

However, gluten is not a protein that all of us should avoid because it causes damage to our body. In fact, we need this nutrient, too. Just that some of us cannot digest it properly, so in this case, a gluten-free diet is recommended. But how can you know whether you suffer from gluten intolerance or not?

Signs you have gluten intolerance

Gluten intolerance, also referred to as gluten sensitivity, can cause a wide array of symptoms, which are often mistaken for other disorders. Many people consider that the signs of gluten intolerance should include only gastrointestinal problems since this disease is related to something you ingest. However, the truth is that you can experience varied issues, ranging from pain in joints to depression.

  • Fatigue

Do you get home and feel exhausted every day, even though you don’t have a challenging job? Or do you wake up more tired than when you went to bed? If yes, you may suffer from gluten intolerance, which causes fatigue.

  • Brain fog

Even though it is surprising, gluten intolerance can cause brain fog. Still, don’t forget that this symptom is triggered by a multitude of health problem, so only experiencing brain fog is not enough to tell if you have this disorder or not.

  • Skin problems

Patients who deal with gluten intolerance also have skin problems, such as eczema, acne, dermatitis herpetiformis, rashes, itchiness, redness, or burning sensations.

  • Joint and muscle pain

Do you often suffer from joint or muscle aches? Many studies confirmed the link between gluten intolerance and these symptoms. This disorder can cause inflammation, which automatically leads to pain. Also, it has been proven that arthritis and joint pain can also be worsened by gluten sensitivity.

  • Oral problems

Another surprising symptom of gluten sensitivity is represented by oral problems. People who suffer from gluten intolerance experience ulcers and canker sores in their mouth more often, and they also have a lower level of calcium, which leads to poor teeth health.

Don’t rush to draw conclusion

If you want to find out if you have gluten intolerance or not, it is essential to monitor your symptoms after eating any food containing gluten. If you experience a few of the above signs after eating some cookies or other food once, it doesn’t mean that you have this issue. In fact, most probably you don’t.

These symptoms are noticed after consuming any food that contains gluten, even though the intensity may vary. For instance, it is perfectly normal to experience a more acute abdominal pain when you consume a dish with greater amounts of gluten tas opposed to one with smaller quantities of this protein.

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