Eliminate Blackheads with Natural Treatments

Admit it, at least once in your life you confronted with a big problem: blackheads. “How to get rid of them without pain?” or “What is the best treatment?” are the questions that everybody asks when it comes to blackheads. But what would you say about a natural treatment that will eliminate blackheads and will leave your skin clean? We will tell you how to do that without any pain or scars and your skin will be clean and glowing.

eliminate blackheads naturally

What are blackheads?

In order to know exactly how to treat blackheads, we need to find out more about how they appear.

Blackheads are open pores full of dead cells and sebum. Usually, they appear in the T zone of your face, especially on your nose, but they can appear on your chin, cheeks or between your eyebrows.

How can I get rid of them naturally?

We will tell you 5 natural recipes that will help you prevent and eliminate blackheads.

  • Lemon juice

The alpha-hydroxyl acids in the lemon juice will help you eliminate the dead cells and will also keep your pores clean and healthy. The vitamin C will operate as an antioxidant, which will stimulate the collagen from your skin to offer you a glowing aspect.

How can a lemon make miracles for your skin? Quite simple, actually. Juice one lemon and take a cotton pad to help you massage the problematic areas and after 15 minutes, wash your face with cold water. Make this treatment daily, but only once a day.

  • Honey

Honey has many properties that will cure your skin instantly, such as antiseptic and antibacterial properties. All you have to do is to warm the honey and apply it on the affected area. After 10 minutes, use a warm towel to remove the honey from your face. You can do this treatment daily.

  • Cinnamon

You may not think that this ingredient is good for eliminating blackheads, but with its antibacterial properties, it will help you in no time. Make a mask using 2 parts of honey and one part of cinnamon powder until you have a creamy paste. Apply it on the affected area and, after 15 minutes, wash your face with water. You can use it daily.

  • Baking soda

Baking soda has antiseptic properties that will protect and treat your skin. Make a mix from water and a tablespoon of baking soda and apply it on the areas that are affected by blackheads. After 10 minutes, wash your face. You can make this treatment 2 or 3 times a week.

  • Green tea

The antioxidants and vitamins in green tea will protect your skin from sebum excess and will brush aside the blackheads. Use 2 bags of green tea and boiling water to make a tea and then let it cool for at least one hour. With a cotton pad, tap the tea on the affected area and, after 10 minutes, wash your face. You can make this treatment daily.

These recipes will help you get rid of blackheads in a natural way and will also protect your skin and make it look healthier and younger.

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