Eating Three Bananas Per Day Can Do Wonders for Your Health

Bananas are great snack foods, commonly available across the globe. There is a good reason why they are a common feature in everybody’s menu. A banana provides you with an energy boost and it is also very good for the stomach. Bananas are often used as natural remedies for a lot of conditions. A single piece of this fruit is said to contain only 90 calories. This makes is the perfect and healthiest snack to munch on. Carry one fruit with you at school, work or in your spare time. You may never know when it will prove helpful.

banana benefits

Three Bananas a Day Keep the Doctor Away

If you eat at least 3 bananas a day, you can reduce the risk of having a heart attack or a stroke. According to some studies, by consuming one banana three times per day, you will get enough potassium to decrease the risk of a blood clot in the brain by 21%. Strokes can be prevented and reduced by the potassium level found in foods like bananas, lentils, fish and spinach. Researchers found out that a daily potassium intake of about 1,600 mg can decrease the risk of a stroke. A medium sized banana has around 500 mg of potassium. The result is astounding! Three bananas a day can help with proper brain functioning and can lower blood pressure.

Bananas = Super Food

Bananas are super foods. The nutritional values of this fruit reveal these facts: per 100 grams, a banana contains zero cholesterol, 1.1 gm protein, 0.3 gm fat, 12 mg sugar, 1 mg salt, 2.6 gm dietary fiber and 360 mg potassium. Bananas are loaded with fiber, both insoluble and soluble, so their consumption tends to slow down digestion and keep you full for longer. This is the main reason why bananas are included so often on the breakfast menu.

Other Benefits of Consuming Three Bananas a Day

In addition to all the benefits presented above, by consuming three bananas a day, you will make your life better. By eating this super food, you will improve your health and lifestyle.

  • Helps with PMS

Bananas contain vitamin B6. This vitamin is essential when it comes to normalizing the body’s glucose levels. This can help your mood in a positive way, making the premenstrual syndrome more bearable.

  • Reduces Depression

Considering the fact that bananas contain tryptophan, these fruits are a great anti-depressant. The tryptophan protein is converted into serotonin, the compound that improves your mood and relaxes the body.

  • They Help Your Body Produce More Hemoglobin

If you are anemic, bananas are the solution! Anemia appears when your body doesn’t have enough red blood cells to carry oxygen around the body. Since bananas are rich in iron, they can always improve the production of hemoglobin.

  • Reduced Blood Pressure

The high amount of potassium found in bananas can help balance the heart functions. This decreases the risk of stroke and reduces high blood pressure.

2 commments

  1. Isn’t that a lot of sugar?

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