Common Symptoms of Prostate Cancer – Be Aware of Them

According to statistics, prostate cancer is the second most frequently met condition in the United States, after skin cancer and non-melanoma. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention communicates that this is the initial cause of death among men of all origins. More precisely, in 2013, 176,450 people in the United States were diagnosed with the condition, while 27,681 died from it.


The prostate is in charge of regulating bladder control and with producing the seminal fluid. And prostate cancer begins in the prostate gland. As with the majority of malignant diseases, the factors that lead to this condition include a poor diet, lack of exercise, family record, age, high testosterone levels, and ethnicity.  However, being informed can make the world of a difference, and by knowing the most commonly met signs linked to the condition, one can take action against the disease. Get acquainted with the most common signs that announce the danger of prostate cancer.

  • The presence of blood in the urine

In the case in which you notice blood in your urine, you should note that it’s a severe warning sign. Even though there are instances in which this symptom indicates the presence of a urinary infection; it may also mean that the patient has prostate cancer.

As the tumor expands, the urethra is compressed, which blocks the urine flow. That may scar the prostate tissue as well as surrounding areas. As soon as you notice this symptom, you ought to address it to your doctor.

  • Unusual changes in bladder habits

Because the prostate gland is connected to the urethra and bladder, prostate cancer causes a range of urinary symptoms. Therefore, in the case of a tumor, the urethra is constricted and pressed on, which may lead to frequent urination, particularly at night, as well as the following signs: the sensation that the bladder isn’t completely emptied, weak flow, pain and burning sensation during urination, difficulty while urinating.

  • Frequent pain

As prostate cancer evolves, it reaches the bones, which further leads to constant, unbearable pain, which occurs in various areas. The intensity of the pain is determined by the growth of the tumor. Other signs that indicate the occurrence of this condition include severe pain in the hips, pain in the pelvis, hips, and tights.

  • Sexual dysfunction

The prostate gland is responsible for producing and transporting the seminal fluid. Hence, it is implied that it holds a vital role in the reproductive system. Therefore, as soon as such a malfunction of the gland occurs, one may encounter problems in getting or obtaining an erection. At the same time, ejaculating may be extremely painful. When the tumor is expanded, one may also notice traces of blood in the semen. Since sexual dysfunction is often associated with aging, many men ignore this problem, assuming that it is normal and it comes with the territory of getting older. Nonetheless, you shouldn’t convey erectile dysfunctions lightly. Discuss the matter with your doctor and establish the cause of this problem. It can indicate that you have prostate cancer.

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