Chia Seeds and Their Amazing Health Benefits

Mayans and Aztecs have relished the amazing health benefits chia seeds encompass for centuries. Thus, thanks to their amazing powerful properties, chia seeds have become of major interest today. Find out more about the incredible health benefits they contain.

chia seeds benefits

Rich in powerful antioxidants

The richness in powerful antioxidants makes chia seeds utterly effective in preventing and fighting cancer, aging, and harmful free radicals. Thanks to this particular property, you may consume them in two years time, without the need to refrigerate them.


If your health condition doesn’t allow you to eat gluten foods, chia seeds are perfect as they are gluten-free.

Filled with minerals

Only two spoons of chia seeds incorporate appreciatively 18 percent of your daily recommendable calcium intake, 24 percent of your magnesium daily intake, 35 percent of your daily phosphorus intake, 50 percent of your manganese daily intake. That’s quite a nutritive value, isn’t it?

Can be digested whole

When it comes to flaxseeds, for a proper absorption of the nutrients and beneficial properties, they should be grounded. Still, chia seeds don’t require grinding, as your body will ingest the variety of nutrients and vitamins if you eat them as such as well.

Egg replacer

You can opt for using chia seeds to replace egg consumption – when mixed, they release a similar gel. Additionally, they present lower cholesterol levels and contribute to growing the nutritive compounds of other foods you cook them with.


Chia seeds consumption is effective in decreasing cholesterol levels and triglycerides while stimulating the growth of HDL levels. They present a significant source of healthy fat that can diminish the risks of obesity and unwanted weight gain.

Filled with healthy fiber

Thanks to their high levels of healthy fiber, including chia seeds in your diet will stimulate the right functioning of your digestion, while at the same time reducing inflammation, and improving the bowel function.

Ideal source of omega-3 fatty acids

It’s no secret that omega-3 fatty acids are utterly beneficial compounds that maintain your overall health. Luckily, due to their richness in omega-3 fatty acids, chia seeds are excellent in decreasing inflammation, while enhancing the cognitive functions of the brain.

Effective in blood sugar retention

Chia seeds aid to regulate your insulin levels while aiming to prevent an unexpected abnormal insulin decrease or growth.

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