How Can an Autoimmune Condition Be Reversed?

Autoimmune conditions are affecting numerous people nowadays, regardless of the sex or age. If you suffer from such a disease, you probably know that prescribed medication is something you have to deal with daily for the rest of your life. But is this the right approach for an autoimmune condition or should you also help your body to overcome the disease in a different way?

reverse autoimmune diseases

The blooming industry of prescribed drugs

The industry of prescribed medicine becomes stronger day by day. Autoimmune conditions are “encouraging” it, too, as 3 out of 10 most prescribed, as well as most sold drugs are used to treat these diseases.

In fact, in a one-year period, from 2013-2014, the total sales of the top 3 autoimmune prescribed drugs were more than $15,000,000.

How do prescribed medicines act?

Even though the prescribed drugs for autoimmune conditions are very expensive, they have a simple action. In fact, what do they do is to turn off a particular step or stage in the immune pathway. However, the overall cost per year ranges from $45,000 to $100,000. The worst part is not their price, but their side-effects.

Moreover, many patients suffering from autoimmune conditions who took the prescribed medicines have noticed a slight alleviation of their disease’s symptoms. There were times when the condition continued to progress, despite the medical treatment. It may not seem like a life and death problem, if we are talking about allergies, for example, but when it comes to multiple sclerosis or other similar conditions that lead to paralysis, it becomes a serious issue.

Are there other ways to deal with autoimmune conditions?

The answer is yes. Besides the pills that inhibit an individual process of the immune system, there are also alternative ways to handle such a situation. In fact, compared to prescribed medications, these have no side effects, and they also promote overall health. Not to mention that in some cases, the improvement of symptoms was clearly much higher to the patients who went with traditional medicine, compared to those who opted for prescribed drugs.

But what are the other options for reversing an autoimmune condition? The possibilities range widely, from nutrition, exercise, meditation, electrical stimulation of muscles, and microbiome.

Even though these options also help you improve the symptoms, most of them treat the root causing the condition.

First and foremost, you have to understand your disease as well as possible. Then, you can also study alternative techniques, and see what is the most suitable lifestyle for you. However, it might take you years in order to gather enough information so that you can reverse your autoimmune system.

But you don’t have to panic. Nowadays, there are numerous therapeutic lifestyle clinics. In such a clinic, you can be advised by an expert. He or she will make recommendations only after studying your symptoms and making a thorough consultation. Changing your diet and lifestyle can also treat rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, lupus, fibromyalgia, psoriasis, brain fog, neuropathies, diabetes, memory loss, chronic fatigue, and mood disorders.

1 comentariu

  1. Am I missing something? There’s nothing on here specifically.

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