10 Symptoms of Hormonal Imbalance

Hormones, the chemical messengers of the body, are responsible for the good development of the vital process that take place within the body such as metabolism or reproduction.

signs of hormonal imbalance

The estrogen, testosterone and progesterone along with the thyroid, adrenaline, cortisol and melatonin are the most common hormones travelling throughout the body. Unlike men, women experience a much more intense hormonal activity: menstruation, menopause or pregnancy are just a few stages in the life of a woman controlled by hormones.

A hormonal imbalance can be really dangerous, so here are the 10 signs you should look out for:

  • Losing or gaining weight

This fluctuation is caused by a hormonal imbalance, more specifically by the thyroid hormones. In this case, the gland is producing fewer hormones than it should and the body is more prone to stress. The shots of adrenaline and cortisol are necessary to keep the level of energy.

  • Constant weakness and fatigue

Fatigue occurs in women dealing with menopause and it is often triggered by cortisol. This hormone affects the secretion of serotonin, the hormone of happiness. So, if you feel depressed, you might have a hormonal imbalance.

  • Night sweats and hot flashes

They are caused by an imbalance of estrogen. When the amount of this hormone is reduced, the body will overheat. These are also signs of menopause.

  • Sleep problems

Insomnia is a symptom of menopause approaching. It is also caused by the low levels of progesterone, which can explain why women feel so alert and awake during the nighttime.

  • Losing hair

This is also a common symptom for pregnancy, menopause or post-menopause period. It is caused by the hormonal imbalance which stimulates the production of testosterone, causing significant hair loss.

  • Mood swings

In the case of depression, the level of serotonin can be really low. When it comes to mood swings, the hormones might cause the glands to overdrive in a matter of seconds, a fact that leads to the creation of ecstasy.

  • Indigestion and gastrointestinal discomfort

The gastrin, the secretin and the cholecystokinin are 3 hormones located in the gastrointestinal tract that contribute to the process of digestion. Any imbalance of these 3 hormones will cause indigestion and discomfort.

  • Losing the libido

This usually happens after a childbirth and before and after menopause. The proper amount of testosterone in both women and men is responsible for the maintenance of the libido.

  • Food cravings

The blood sugar is affected by the activity of the adrenal gland. A high level of cortisol will lead to hunger pangs while a low level of cortisol will send a hunger signal to the body.

  • Dry eyes

This is caused by a low production of testosterone, which will shut down the glands that are responsible for the proper moisture of the eye.

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