Are Dietary Changes an Effective Menopause Treatment?

Menopause can often be a very tough time in a woman’s life. This is the point in time when they stop having their menstrual cycle and begin to produce lowered amounts of certain hormones. This can result in a number of different side effects that will all range in severity from minor to severe.

Are Dietary Changes an Effective Menopause Treatment?

Are Dietary Changes an Effective Menopause Treatment?

Women are often afraid of this point in their life because they have heard stories of other women who have suffered quite severely.

Luckily, there are a number of different menopause treatment options and some of them can exclude the need for medical treatment. There are a few changes that any woman can make in their diet that can aid in menopause treatment.

Since the production of estrogen and progesterone is highly disrupted, so are the natural bodily functions. As estrogen level falls down, the body seems to look into other places to find out estrogen supply.

Fat produces estrogen as well. So calories get converted into fat in order to maintain the required estrogen level. This leads to obvious weight gain in the body. The inadequate production of progesterone hormone also influences the weight gain process, however, in somewhat indirect way, as it promotes water weight in the body.

Foods to avoid during menopause

There are some foods that should be avoided to help make a menopause treatment more effective. Since hot flashes are one of the most common and persistent symptoms of menopause there are certain foods that should be avoided. These can include certain spicy foods which either raise the body’s temperature or its perceived temperature. Alcohol has also been known to make hot flashes worse. Caffeine should also be avoided as a part of effective menopause treatment.

Foods to add during menopause

As a woman reaches the age for menopause there are a few things she should add to her diet. Part of menopause treatment is keeping the body functioning effectively. Women at the age of menopause need to increase their intake of calcium to maintain the health of their bones. They should also make sure to get plenty of vitamins B12 and B16. There are also some foods which contain phytoestrogens; consuming these foods can be a great way to aid any menopause treatment plan.

Menopause can be a very tough time in a woman’s life. There is little that anyone can do to stop menopause and we can only really treat the symptoms. Menopause treatment can often be easier than it sounds and making a few simple changes to their diet can help women who are going through it. There are plenty of other menopause treatment options available but dietary changes make a great supplement.

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