Pine Needle Tea – A Natural Winter Gift (Recipe)

During the winter season, when you’re “attacked” by colds, flu or viral respiratory infections, pine needle tea is a healthy natural gift and an extremely pleasant experience. Pine needle tea is a popular remedy and has been used for hundreds of years thanks to its fresh aroma and medicinal properties.

Pine Needle Tea – A Natural Winter Gift (Recipe)

Pine Needle Tea – Recipe

Those who don’t know much about medicinal plants should be aware of the fact that pine needles can be consumed in an extremely tasty and healthy tea. Every type of pine has its unique aroma, so you can try different combinations, depending on the taste.

– Pick a handful of green pine needles from the top of the branches. The younger the needles are, the more nutrients they have. Make sure you collect your pine needles from unpolluted areas.

– Remove the paper-like coating from the needles and clean them from all impurities. Cut the needles in small pieces.

– Let 1 cup of water boil and add 1 teaspoon of the chopped pine needles. Let the mixture boil with a lid on for about 20 minutes. Turn off the heat and let the tea infuse a bit more until it cools and it can be drunk. Most of the needles must sit on the bottom of the cup and the water must have a reddish color.

– You can consume this tea several times per day to benefit of its properties. Make sure it’s fresh every time you consume it. You can also add lemon juice and a little bit of honey.

– Add the rest of the pine needles in your bath water to ease joint pains, muscle strains, colds and dislocations.


Pine needles contain large quantities of vitamin A and 4 – 5 times more Vitamin C than orange juice. Pine needle tea is a great expectorant and decongestant agent. It can also be used externally for local baths, thanks to its antiseptic properties. It has powerful immune-boosting properties, so you can also consume it preventively.

– Cardiovascular diseases

– Cleansing the intestines

– Varicose veins

– Tuberculosis

– Muscle fatigue

– Incipient cancer

– Sclerosis

– Gangrene

– Weak eye nerves

– Kidney disorders

Pine needle tea is not recommended during pregnancy and nursing.

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