Mistletoe Tea For Your Heart, Circulation and Will To Work

Researchers have recommended mistletoe for the process of stabilizing blood pressure, for the stimulation of blood circulation and for improving one’s will to work.

mistletoe tea

Mistletoe is known to be a semi-parasite plant that grows on the branches of the trees and which resembles a lot to a rootless bush. According to some research that has been done, the most effective types of mistletoe are the ones that can be found growing on oak trees, poplar trees, fir trees, pine trees, pear trees and apple trees. Only the stems and the leafs are going to be picked and afterward, they will be chopped with a knife. The mistletoe that is picked during October and November, as well as the one picked during April and March are known to be the most efficient.

This plant has a lot of properties, including calming, cardio-tonic and hypotensive features. It can also stimulate the immunity. In traditional medicine, it is mostly used in order to stabilize blood pressure and to strengthen the cardiac activity. For those who have low blood pressure, this plant is going to lift it, while in those who have higher blood pressure, mistletoe is going to tone it down.

The persons suffering from high blood pressure and cardiac or circulation perturbations, dizziness, lack of energy or lack of mood to work can get rid of their problems by drinking mistletoe tea.

Its calming effects will eliminate the physical tension produced by the chronic spasms, the restless heart, and convulsive cough. At the same time, if you suffer from asthma or hysteric attacks, this tea will calm you down.

Mistletoe is also often used as a remedy for putting a stop to bleedings and as a stimulus for the circulation of blood and for cardiac functions.

How to prepare and drink mistletoe tea

When preparing this tea, you should only use the leafs and the stems of the plant, not the grains, which are actually poisonous for  internal consumption. For one cup of water, you should use 1 full teaspoon of this plant. However, you can also buy this tea from specialized stores.

In order to prepare this tea, the mistletoe has to be left 12 hours in cold water. Then, it can be warmed a bit and filtered.

This tea has to be consumed by taking small sips throughout the whole day. You can drink up to 3 cups a day. It will only take a few days until the blood circulation along with the activity of the heart will come to a normal activity. Moreover, the person is more likely going to feel more motivated to work. Have we mentioned the joy that this tea is also able to bring?

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