Yarrow Oil – A Miracle in Every Person’s Home

Yarrow is one of the most revered medicinal herbs in the world. It may have a strange name and a plain aspect, but the truth is that this plant is a gift from the heavens in every person’s home. Many herbalists and phytotherapists have written about its exceptional healing ability, recommending yarrow in the treatment of various conditions.


Benefits Throughout the Years

Long ago, people would call this plant “carpenter’s grass,” simply because it could assist in the healing of wounds caused by saws or blades. It was also known as a very useful agent to stop bleeding. Every part of the herb can be used therapeutically, as an infusion, tincture, compress, oil, vinegar or inhaling solution. Not many people know that young yarrow leaves can also be added to the foods that we eat (such as salads, soups, cooked dishes).

One renowned Dr. Mercola talks about the extraordinary effects or yarrow and the way in which it can treat issues of the digestive tract, as well as those of the rheumatic, cutaneous and circulatory system. Here are just a few of the conditions that yarrow can help you with:

  • Indigestion, constipation, cramps, flatulence
  • Swollen wounds, itching, burns
  • Hair growth
  • Menopause symptoms
  • Menstrual disorders
  • Infections
  • Cystitis

Yarrow is known to be anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, astringent, anti-rheumatic, healing, carminative, digestive, expectorant, hypotensive and tonic. That is due to its many active ingredients such as a-pinen, b-pinen, campfen, sabinen, etc. This plant can also help you combat hemorrhoids, due to the fact that it improves blood circulation.

How to Prepare Yarrow Oil

Among the many yarrow products existent in culture, yarrow oil is definitely one of the favorite choices. It can calm rheumatic and articulation pain, but it can also prevent the formation of uric acid within the muscles, allowing you to lose weight.

The recipe is overall a very easy one. It would be ideal to gather the yarrow from places far away from polluted areas, to ensure the efficiency of the product. You can use both the leaves and the flowers of this herb, and the leaves need to be chopped or minced between your fingers once they have dried. The flowers, on the other hand, ca be used whole.

Take a dry glass jar and fill it halfway or three-quarters with the plants. You can also add one or two tablespoons of marigold, and over the entire composition, you will pour some olive oil. If the plants have been dried beforehand, you ought to warm up the oil for a bit – but be careful not to bring it to a boil.

Mix the plants evenly with the oil to remove any air, seal the jar and leave it in a warm place for two weeks, shaking it from time to time. After that, you strain it through a clean cloth and extract the oil. You can use the final product as massaging oil or an addition to your body lotion.

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