Thyme with Honey and Lemon – A Natural Medicine That Can Be Easily Prepared at Home
Thyme is one of the best remedies we have available for treating the symptoms of a cold. It has strong anti-microbial, antiseptic and antioxidant properties. Due to its antispasmodic effects, thyme calms both muscular spasms and coughs.
Traditional medicine recommends it in respiratory problems such as coughs, throat pains or bronchitis.
Two preliminary studies confirmed the fact that thyme can help treat bronchitis and coughs. The German Commission E. approved the use of this plant in conditions like the ones mentioned.
Together with honey and lemon, thyme becomes a true home medicine, suited both for adults and children.
Thyme also has strong energizing effects. Hildegard von Bingen said that the one who drinks a cup of thyme tea in the morning instead of coffee would feel the benefits immediately: increased levels of energy, better stomach comfort, the elimination of morning coughs and a general overall improved feeling overall.
Thyme with honey and lemon – recipe
- One handful of fresh or dried thyme
- 175 g of honey
- ½ of a lemon
- Two mugs of water
How to prepare the medicine
Wash the lemon well and then slice it. Put the slices in a glass jar and cover them with bee honey.
Chop the thyme branches finely, put them in a pot and pour the water over them. Place it on the stove at maximum temperature until the composition boils, then reduce it by half and let the thyme boil until the liquid itself goes down to half of the original quantity.
Let the tea cool down and strain it, eliminating the branches and leaves.
Pour the tea into a jar, over the lemons and stir really well with a spoon. Put the cap and keep the jar in the fridge. It can last for up to one month.
The honey helps the lemon macerate, ensuring that its juice is properly extracted. You can consume one teaspoon several times a day. Ideally, you should consume it as it is. If you place it into tea, the high temperature will destroy the nutrients in the honey and lemons. Lemons are excellent against colds due to their high content of vitamin C, which boosts the immune system, allowing you to fight diseases of all kinds in a more efficient way.
This syrup is very flavored and this tasty, meaning that even children will enjoy it. Just do not serve it to those that are younger than 2. Do not throw the lemon slices, as you can simply eat them as they are!
Thyme can increase the risk of bleeding in persons that take drugs for blood thinning (example: aspirin or warfarin). Also, due to the similar effects of estrogen in the body, this plant needs to be avoided by persons that suffer from hormonal conditions or that follow a treatment with synthetic hormones.
But all in all, thyme can make for an excellent home remedy that should come in handy to anyone that does not fit in the categories mentioned.