Tea Tree Oil Heals Acne – Find Out How!

Acne vulgaris is a common skin condition that can affect most people at a certain time, especially during adolescence. Acne appears when the skin’s pores are being clogged up due to an excess of sebum. An oily complexion in combination with dead skin cells can infect the pores with bacteria.


This skin condition can appear in different areas of the body, like the face, chest or back.

Pimples, swollen bumps, pustules, and blackheads are the unappealing result. In extreme cases, acne can lead to the appearance of red, inflamed lumps, also known as cystic acne.

Many medical treatments involve the use of expensive creams, but these may cause irritation and allergic reaction due to the harsh chemicals they contain.

What does tea tree oil do?

By having anti-inflammatory properties, it reduces the inflamed pimples and helps the swelling and redness disappear.

Tea tree oil decreases the sebum level of the skin and thus prevents the development of new skin conditions. It acts against bacteria and keeps the pores clean.

You can use it alone or combined with other ingredients that can also help with acne, like aloe vera gel, honey, baking soda, oatmeal or coconut oil.

How does it work?

One of the chemical components of tea tree oil is terpinen-4-ol. It eliminates bacteria that lead to infections and it works great against inflammations.

Terpinen-4-ol is an antimicrobial, antiseptic, and antiviral compound that makes tea tree oil an effective treatment for acne.

Tests reveal its efficacy

Researchers showed that tea tree oil has the same beneficial effect as benzoyl peroxide, found in pharmaceutical treatments.

The Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology revealed that tea tree oil really reduces the redness, inflammation and prevents future acne outbreaks.

Specialists at WebMD say that this natural treatment can diminish various acne symptoms, and reduce acne severity.

Tea tree oil remedies

  • For acne and pimples

Apply a few drops of tea tree oil on a cotton ball and dab it on the pimples. This will annihilate the infection that causes the disorder.

  • As a facial cleanser

If you want to apply it on large areas, dilute the tea tree oil following this recipe:

Mix 10% tea tree oil with 90% clean water. Apply the liquid on the area using a makeup pad and let it act for up to 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Apply the liquid twice a day, in the morning and at night time.

Remember to use a moisturizer as part of your daily routine.

  • In combination with coconut oil

Also containing anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, virgin coconut oil is a great addition to tea tree oil. Together, they reduce redness and inflammation.

Two fatty acids found in coconut oil can destroy the bacterium Propionibacterium acnes. Also, coconut oil is used as an alternative treatment for acne vulgaris, instead of antibiotics.

Tea tree oil has a beneficial effect on your skin and can help with the prevention of acne. It is also a great treatment for regular or cystic acne.

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